This study break has officially gone over it's limits. For good reason (for the most part) though. They finally sold my first car. It took a record time of 2 weeks. That's ridiculous and sad all at the same time. I had very good times in that car. Even though I shouldn't hold on to it, it signifies so many things: the fact that I'm getting older, the moments I shared with friends, the moments I had all kinds of emotions (crying before many funerals, singing when I passed an exam, screaming when I got a job offer, etc), and the list goes on.
Here's to my very first car:
Nissan Maxima 2001: Special Anniversary Edition
Owned by me (2007-2010)
Thank you for :
always taking me to school (my first day of college)
putting up with my abusive driving at times
still working even if I didn't always change your oil
allowing me the privacy for intimate kisses
fitting my family members, even more than your capacity allowed
getting me almost in time for classes (it was my fault for waking up late)
letting me scream/sing/yell/dance/cry without worrying about the cars next to me
being completely and utterly awesome/badass