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Oct 27, 2005 10:32

Thursday 27th October 2005,

Two days now I have been sick, my strength is muchly depleted and food supplies are low. I am kept from sleep by the howling of rabid dogs in the backyard and the terrible cold that tears through my every limb. I have found rest for only a few hours after I discovered a unusual bolder that emitted heat and even then I was disturbed by desperate dreams of desert camels and oasis’s spread deceptively across the distant horizon despite the evident rain that batters down upon my feeble jungle shelter while I sleep.

The mosquitoes are becoming unbearable and I try to avoid leaving my shelter for fear of being eaten alive by the hungry bloodsuckers that hunt for the living. I fear that if I do not find a cure for my illness soon, I may cease to exist or I will fade to a mere shadow of despair that was once a great and honourable explorer.

See, this is the sort of stuff boredom produces and after many, many hours of playing both Spyro - year of the dragon, and Spyro - Gateway to Glimmer...I've come to the conclusion that I would rather return to school then be sick at home with nothing but 4 year old Spyro games to play and a very over active imagination.
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