Jan 15, 2007 12:59
sign: libra
age: 24
sex: female
school: Mary Baldwin College
glasses/contacts: right now . . . neither
braces: when I was younger
do you like ketchup: yes
do you like mustard: no
do you like mayonnaise: not really
do you like pickles: If they are Sechler's Pickles yes . . . other wise not really
do you like chicken: sometimes
do you like spinach: no
how often do you talk on the phone: a lot
how often do you surf the web: alot.
how often do you hang out with friends: as often as I can
do you have a bf/gf: yeah . . . and sometimes I wonder about him
have you ever loved anyone: yes
have you ever made-out with someone: yes.
what are you most afraid of: lots of things, death and heights are two of the biggest things
do you like coffee: it tastes funny . . . no
is the most fun place to go? Luigi's. I know like everyone there
do you want to get married? yes
relative sends you the most money for Christmas? My grandma
do you want to be when you grow up? I am technically grown up but I would like to be a psychologist
is your favorite sport? football
Cried? yes
cut your hair? no
ate a meal? yes
hugged someone? yes
kissed someone? yes
made a new friend? no
lost something? yes
Been so drunk you passed out? yes a couple of times
gone out in public in your pajamas? yes . . . gotta love an all girls school
had an imaginary friend? yes
cried during a chick flick? yes
owned a new kids on the block cd? no . . . but I'd like to
gotten in a car accident? nope
spent more than one hour on your hair? only like once so far
watched a scary movie and couldn’t sleep all night? yes
gone caroling? a few times
what is the funniest movie you have ever seen? Hot Chick with Rob Schnieder. He is absolutely HILARIOUS in that movie
what is the stupidest movie? I don't know
which movie could you watch over and over? XXX, Fast and the Furious, The Pacifier, The Shining (with Jack Nicholson, even though I get scared out of mind while watching it)
what was the last movie you saw? The Hills Have Eyes
what movie made you cry the most? I don't know
did you like titanic? not really . . . I don't think Leonardo DiCaprio was the best person to pick for Jack
Jump out of a plane? no
kiss your best guy friend? yeah
go bungee jumping? no
stay in your room for a whole day? yes. i love my room
go in the snow without clothes? no
skinny dip? sure
drink salt water? yeah . . . did it actually . . . didn't like it too much tho
who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? Stephanie, Nikki, Kylen and Aaron probably
what if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be? Brad Paisley's wife.
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? too much stuff to list
what is the thing you care about most in your life? my dog, my niece, my b/f and the Redskins
Winter or summer? both
The beach or the mountains? beach
pop or punk? pop
rock or rap? rock
new york or L.A.? New York
milk chocolate or dark chocolate? milk
dogs or cats? both
day or night? night
lake or ocean? ocean
waffles or pancakes? waffles
soccer or football? football
chocolate or vanilla? swirl
sugar or spice? sugar
eat bugs purposely? I might have when I was younger but not now
commit a crime? not on purpose
change your religion? already have a few times
lie to your parents? i have before.
jump over a waterfall? no
had your life threatened? no
stayed up until the morning light talking online? probably
made people give you really weird glances? yes
talked in your sleep? yes
what did you say? I don't remember