Hey Deepa, Catherine here, I know you may not know me personally but I'll friend you anyway and if you feel like friending me back, go ahead ^^ Hope you had an awesome break!
Hey Catherine! I did, thanks, hope you did too. And yeah, that'd be great - I don't know too much about you except that you are a cool science-y person unlike me (^^) and that you have good taste in music, but LJ's a good way to learn other details about people! *adds*
Oooooh, you like Asterix? That's cool. There are so few of us in the US!
Oh, and I realized what you meant about knowing me personally when I reread the "Friends Only" entry, and all that means is that I don't really friend random people on the Internet any more. But I know you're safe! :D
Oh, and I realized what you meant about knowing me personally when I reread the "Friends Only" entry, and all that means is that I don't really friend random people on the Internet any more. But I know you're safe! :D
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