Nov 15, 2005 17:27
well what can i say?, you know you lied and that you are lieing, i know that you are lieing, a good amount of ppl know that u r lieing, but u know what i commend u, u got away with it seriously i applaude it, i underestimated how good u were at lieing u really should of been in drama, i cant believe u brought ur mom into it, but w/e its understadable u love him and u dont wanna lose him, but just think back to all those times that u are now denying ever happened, think back to all the great times we had, and then think that u threw it all away in one morning. its amazing, but hey not matter how much i regret everything now, i cant deny that i learned alot from u, and these past few days i learned a very valuable lesson....i guess u never really did love me cuz if u did u wouldnt be able to live with urself and this lie, but hey what u did and the fact that u denied everything helped me, it really did, it made letting go alot easier...i cried all day on monday allll day and at the end i realized it got me not saying im fine but im saying that i will be...just like with the alst guy i was involved with i feel the same way now, regret, and resentment....but glad that its finally over...eventually everything will die down and the both of us will be forgotten to each other and maybe thats the best way, at first it was really hard to grasp that uwere gone cuz i honestly couldnt picture my life without you cuz i gave u everything i had to give i loved u with my heart and soul, and all of my heart and soul that belonged to u , you took with u monday morning when u walked away from me, so now i have alot of emptiness that in time will be filled, no matter how many ppl u have on ur side that believe your lie u know the truth, but who knows u may lie so hard and so good that even u might start to believe that lie, regardless i hope u never forget all thos moment we shared cuz no matter what u can not deny that we had something very unique and special, but thats all gone now and theres nothing either of us can do, i dont know how long u will be able to keep this lie up but hey like i said before props to u , cuz damn you are a good liar im not gonna speak of this anymore its done and over with, your erased completly, and i know thats what u wanted. so i hope ur happy knowing how bad u hurt me, but hey remember a long time ago what u asked me "all is fair in love and war?...yes or no?", i told u yes but to be careful with how u use it, well seeing as how i said yes i cant really be mad,and im not i just hope u have a good life and that u do well in college and in ur life in the future, i know what im saying is the truth and so do many ppl, but hey no matter what ur gonna stick to ur story, ppl took their sides and its done, anyway, seeing as how we never really said goodbye to each other im taking this chance to say goodbye, whether u read this or not, here is where im saying it, no matter what though the sad part is i will always love u, and cherish the time we shared....i grew alot cuz of u and for that i thank you, and so as i say goodbye, i leave with this quote that we both know, and has proven to be true..."happy endings are stories that havnt finished yet......"