Jun 01, 2006 10:09
lack of updates are killing me.
Hanging out with Dwayne toonight. Going to see take the lead. Got paid last night... not nearly as much as I would have enjoyed getting paid - thank you. Shot a gun yesterday, a .40 semi auto glock. Police issued, 15 rounds in a clip. :) shot 96% Accurate ... I sneezed, and then got hit in the face with hot fucknig lead the other times (someone beside me shooting.) I'm thinking of becomming a police officer.
Passing the bloody entrance fitness test would be a bitch. x_x
Fighting with Keith is a bitch, but make up sex is always good.
What else? I don't know. Need to find things for my camera - need to start handing out RESUME's A.S.A.P i have to stop procrastinating. it's getting brutal.
need to stop talking to Jordan. its' wreaking havoc on my insides.