Sep 02, 2008 23:24
So I was actually furious today. Like full on, blood pumping fast breathing has to leave the office to calm down furious.
It was crazy.
Oh, and a punched a dent in the wall on my way out.
Background: There is a broker I dislike immensely. Everyone knows this, I think even he knows it. He is constantly on my case about stupid stuff which was HIS FAULT in the first place demanding I fix it RIGHT THE HELL NOW!
I put up with it from most brokers, I mean, they're the business right?
This guy puts like... a couple of grand a month through us. Whoopdee shit you prick, the company is LOSING MONEY from paying me all those hours to put through your 500 dollar a year policy.
Anyway, so he sends me an e-mail bitching and half way through one line is "I tried not to criticise in our meeting and I hear you have had some personal sadness my condolence."
WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?! First off, HOW DOES THIS PRICK KNOW?! Barely anyone knows (see next entry) and you turn a sentence that starts off as an insult into "condolences"?
No. Fuck you. You're a dick and I want you to die.