Oct 05, 2004 11:18
I am just here in 2nd period Tech. Systems bored as heck... and thinking about random things... it's amazing what bordem does to a person... therefore, I'm updating my LJ... lol.
Q. has anyone played the Sims 2? If so, is it fun and worth buying it?
I haven't talked to Ben in a while... supposedly his college life is "Too busy" for anyone here in the valley... I knew this was going to happen... and it makes me sad... It's tough losing your best friend to college... especially one in North Dakota... oh well... I will call him this weekend... hopefully he will be there.
I'm supposed to go deal poker at Josh Tewell's house (for real this time) on Saturday... should be fun... I'm looking forward to it. Supposedly the guys are going to teach me all the different types of poker games. haha. funny. too bad I've already been taught and will beat them horribly... but they don't know that yet... *evil smile* ah yes, I knew my dad was good for something... lol. j/k YAY for poker nights!!! lol.
Well I was put on T.V. channel 17 yesterday for the half-time of the "Game of the Week" that was taped on Friday... several people have told me they saw me... too bad I messed up really bad that night... but supposedly the clip they saw of me didn't show me messing up, and I got several compliments... yay for front row!!! lol. We have already started working on our pom rutine that we aren't performing for another 2 weeks... hmmm... starting oftly early don't you think? It prolly has something to do with how badly we sucked last Friday... haha. I talked to Kristen and her mind was completely blank when we were on the field, too.. haha.. we decided that us messing up on Cadence totally fried our brains and we didn't know what to do after that... lol... can you just imagine these little cartoon Southern Stars messing up and then like exploding with little sparks the same way the fembots did in the first Austin Powers... haha we laughed about that for a while.
I still keep having memory problems with our dumb streamer dance... grrr... that so isn't like me... and that bothers me and somewhat makes me slightly nervous for this coming Friday's performance. Perhapps it is because I don't like that dance because it is somewhat boring to me... I dunno... Hopefully I will pull it together and make it through A-o.k. I will just have to work a little harder on that one... ewwww.
It's almost lunch time... I'm hungry... but then again, when am I not... lol... YAY for high metabolisms!!!! WOOOOO!!!! heh.
Q. What do I have to do to make people realize that just because I have Stars 5th period doesn't mean that it is a blow-off class and that I can get out of it?
Everyday Mrs. Galvan asks me to get out of Stars and come to Yearbook. "Emily, what do you have 5th period? Stars, right? Well, that's a blow-off class, you can get out and come help here right?" NO I CAN'T!!!! grrr... it gets me so mad... and there's me thinking "hmmm stay in Stars, a class I love, and be productive at something while having fun doing it?.... or get out of Stars and go to Yearbook, a class I loath, and sit around either doing nothing or doing other people's work for them with no appriciation?" hmmm.... tough choice... lol... *all sarcasm intended* Only 6 more days of Yearbook!!! (because today's yearbook class period is already over) YAY!!! haha.
the Darn Bordem has won again, and I have yet again written like a freakin' novel... I would hate to be the people reading my LJ... sorry guys... at least it's somewhat entertaining... sometimes... lol. I will try to work on making my entries shorter, but don't be mad if it doesn't work.