Nov 05, 2004 22:20
so. (long time no update) i had my wisdom teeth out on the 2nd (no loss-of-wisdom jokes or anything remotely similar thank you). let me go into details..i wasn't nervous, just interested in what to expect. i wish he'd explained to me what he was doing while he was pulling them yanoo, like it wouldn't've been so weird if he'd explained. even though he ran through the jist of it beforehand, it was still a little weird.
anyway, i had 10 injections in total. 8 at the beginning & then 2 later on when the top left corner started to wear off. apparently getting the teeth out is like leverage. first they cut across the top of the gum, and then pry your tooth out. neat huh. then they stitch it up. it was sweet as, i couldn't feel a thing.
until i got home that was. i got into bed (the procedure was in the morning til about 10am, my mouth buzzing with anesthetic. i felt slightly ill..
well bloody hell, i WAS ill.. so very sick to my stomach. dunno why; shock maybe? i slept (inbetween being sick) while the anesthetic wore off. then the pain, which i can only describe as a throbbing migraine headache, except in your gums and far back teeth. i was spitting blood until later that evening. yummy.
it's been 3 days, and they still throb slightly and hurt occasionally. i can't open my mouth much..some of the stitches go onto my cheek o_0
i've been living off jello, mushed stewed apple, tea & chocolate milk since i can't freakin CHEW. i've been having these terrible fantasies about all this great food..really lucious food like strawberries, citrus sorbet, lemonade, fruit salad etc etc. ack >_<
of course the pain killers have been a god send. and the salt water. when i first heard about having to swish salt water around my mouth i thought i'd gag. but it's been not so bad. like it seriously isn't. not like i imagined (& i hate getting seawater near my mouth, which is nearly the same).
the only annoying thing is that since i was so sick, i've become real weak & i can't sit up for very long or eat much yet. suprisingly though, i haven't lost any weight.
well yes.
that's me.
and high school is over, and it's excellent.