Title: Lost Cause
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jim is worried about Bones and looks for proof. A sequel to
Game Over. Will not make much sense if you haven't read the first part.
Author's Notes: Just more in this little verse:)
Verse: Camels
It’s always night in space. For Jim, this meant that there can be parties at any time. For Bones it meant the surreal feeling that you never had to wake up. A familiar headache started to creep up on Bones as he lay in bed. He sighed. Carefully, he pulled Jim’s hands away from his waist. Jim murmured. “Shhh… I just need to use the bathroom.” Jim made a sleepy noise and latched onto Bones’s pillow.
Bones quietly walked across the room and reached down behind the dresser where he normally had a few emergency hyposprays in a small notch at the back. His hand grasped air. “Computer, lights 10%.” With the little light he could see no dark shapes. Frowning he peered
“Looking for these?” Jim’s voice had a rough edge to it. Bones turned around to see Jim holding three hyposprays.
“Yes, actually,” Bones said reaching for them. Jim stepped back quickly causing Bones to almost overbalance. “I feel like I might have the flu.”
“You looked fine last night.”
“Funny, I don’t see your medical degree anywhere,” Bones was growling now. His stomach clenched painfully. Damn fucking cramps.
“There are antibiotics in the bathroom, why don’t you use those?” Bones lunged again. Jim easily sidestepped him. Fuck Jim and his stupid reflexes. Fuck, he was so fucked that he needed a stronger word than fucked.
“Those are basic medications; I want something a little stronger. The last thing I need is half the crew falling sick with the flu,” he said. “What’s your problem?”
Jim grabbed Bones’s jaw and ran his tongue down Bones’s neck. Bones’s shuddered involuntarily. Jim had been reading. Someone had found out. Addicts (shit fuck, he was an addict) tended to have favorite spots to hypospray themselves which led to small bumps on the surface of the skin because of the air compression mechanism on the hypospray. There were only a limited number of places you could safely inject yourself. He had been careful…
“Not your neck then? Where Bones?” He muttered, lifting the hem of his shirt. Bones’s felt himself go cold. He was frozen. It was like Jim was pinning him down with his tongue and his eyes his fucking blue eyes.
Bumps that turn blue with amylase hit them. Amalyse was a common enzyme found in saliva…
“I wanted to believe it wasn’t true, but then I found those,” Jim said into his neck. Bones shoved him away.
“Tell me I’m crazy.” Jim said licking his fingers and dropping them over Bones’s bicep. “Lights 80%”
Three incriminating blue dots had appeared above his elbow.
Riding Waves *