OMG, fic, fic, fic! I am reading!
percy_ficathon has started posting! Since Percy/Oliver is like eating chocolate (rich and deathly (people need to write this more!)) for me, yeah, you can say I'm pretty damn happy at the moment.
Somehow I've managed to destroy my lower back. I blame my job in this case. I work at Bath and Body Works and let me tell you, lotion is not light. Despite what they lead you to believe. Especially boxes of it!
I'm not normally badly injured (other than the tendinitis in my wrist and my bad knee...). The first time I got a bruise was last summer. It wasn't even that big and was a lovely shade of purple and red. Yeah, I almost passed out when I saw it I was so shocked. I grabbed onto poor
selilea and was like "OMG! What is this? I'm dying!!!!"
selilea gave me a weird look. She's managed to perfect them over the years of knowing me. Seriously, almost passed out when I saw it. Had to sit down with my head between my knees and everything. It was rather pathetic considering I'm not all that squeamish with blood or anything...
In other news,
the_ass_fest is going well enough:) Ah, I wish I could rec something but it's all so wonderful! I realize that I haven't
Oh, and I'm really slow and I received fic and didn't even find out until recently. Go read it:) It's lovely. There are trees!
The Beauty of Trees by Anon
Summary: Draco requires Potter's help; to his dismayed annoyance, Potter's help entails trampling around in a forest. Warnings: Pre-slash, not Epilogue-compliant. PG
My thoughts: A lot of phrasing itself stood out to me. It all seemed so simple at first, but whoever wrote this knew what they were doing! In addition to Harry and Draco I enjoyed Narcissa characterizations. There was this one classic scene which I can't really describe because it would give it away! But read it! Yes!