"deer kairi..."

Jun 05, 2006 02:19

So there I was, about to go to sleep, when suddenly, out of nowhere, this plot bunny smacked into my face, and said he'd maul me if I don't write this story.

Ah, late night plot bunnies. They're killers, they are.

Anyway, short KH ficcage, it's supposed to be humourous, but I'm not fully awake right now. xP

There aren't any spoilers, either. :3


Sora looked up, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth as he gazed at his silver-haired companion. "What? Am I not doing it right?"

Riku shook his head, and picked up the letter that the younger boy had been writing.

"deer kairi,
i rly liek u. lets go out, k?"

"No. Just no." Riku growled, snatching the pencil out of Sora's hand and taking out a fresh piece of paper.

"Dear Kairi,
Wow, you've really filled out nicely. Meet me in my room, and bring all of your friends. I learned some new tricks while I was traveling around that I'm sure you'll all enjoy. Don't worry, mom's out at work.

-Sora <3

P.S.: Don't forget the cameras!"

"What'd you write?" Sora asked curiously, trying to snatch the paper away from Riku. The older boy held it up out of his reach, a smirk creeping onto his face.

"Something a bit more romantic then what you wrote," he replied, folding it up and sticking it into an envelope. "Just trust me, she'll love it."

"...Alright," Sora said slowly, taking the envelope. "You'd better be right!"

"Of course I'm right."

Sora flashed him a big goofy grin and ran out the door. Riku's smirk grew to absurd proportions, and he chuckled as he flopped down on his couch.

And that's payback for dying my hair pink, smartass.

In other news, I watched the new King Kong today.


I have never cried that hard because of a movie before. Ever. ;-;
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