Mar 13, 2006 22:14
milton's bday was great, i convinced him to take off work that day. lol hes gonna get fired b/c of me :-\ heh.
he loved the fish tank, in fact we set it up the night after and got a bunch of fish yesterday.
it actually snowed on friday (his bday) and sat. which is amazing, b/c he had never seen snow before.
unfortunately we spent the majority of friday driving his grandmother to his aunt's house and being stuck in traffic...but when we got home i owned him in a snowball fight and i made brownies, then we went to denny's b/c we're fat and hungry.
saturday was really fun, we went to the mountains to drive around, check out the scenery and play in the snow. again, he got his ass handed to him in a snowball fightn (NORTH EAST SIDE REP-RAH-ZENT!). we got passed by 3 trucks lol, found a dam that we're gonna illegally check out in the summer, climbed a few hills for no reason, found what seemed like a whole new country with old houses built INTO the rocks, green grass/shrubs, no desert lol, green trees etc. it was odd. then no more than a 1/4 mile away we ran back into snow. it was awesome.
by the time we were back on the main road after our adventure the road was COVERED in snow...for those who know what i'm talking about, it was the light sprinkle of snow on freezing pavement so just the surface was white. yeah...the slippery, hidden black ice kind. lol that sucked but it just added to our adventure.
when we came home we made 2 little snowmen and went in to get warm. :-D good day.
then on sunday we got fish for the tank and went to see The Hills Have Eyes, which i highly reccomend you go see, lots of ruthless violence, mongoloids, a dog that tears shit up, and probably the sickest fire torture scene i have ever seen. ohhhh what a wonderful movie! i just might go see it again. :-p