last night at wo

Jun 22, 2006 12:07

as always, the evening shift fulfilled it's promise of fun and excitement as it always down. 10 hours of fun haha

I got to work ten minutes late, because sadly I woke up later (about 10:45) and refused to get out of the shower after that. Making my time of arrival at work 12:10pm. No biggie.

I didn't have to put much thought into anything. The people putting away the truck had set aside things for me to pack out. And I didn't rush cuz there was a ton of us there and I had the whole night ahead of me.

Then out for carts... wheeee, physical activity in the heat is so much fun haha

Back inside to do more work, some customer was extra annoying. lunch, more work.

Out for carts again. I was suppose to have some help, but the person who was suppose to push carts with me decided it was the end of his shift and went to the liquor store, he then was smashed and sat on the bench and watched me push carts instead.

I almost got hit twice, once by a mexican guy driving a van, who decided the best way to apologize for almost hitting me was to roll down his window, swear at me in both English and Spanish, reach out the window to push my line of carts back towards me so he could illegally cut through the parking spaces. That was a new experience.

The second time was by the front of the store when I'm walking with my row of carts (about 7 carts) and this woman pulls in the spot I'm about to walk through. The space was right in front of the store, so I was ready to excuse her for being a bitch and almost hitting me because she got a good parking spot, but instead of going into my store, she walks across the parking lot to go into family dollar, and there were plenty of parking spots closer to there.

whatever, I survived. I go inside to work by myself.

somewhere around 7:30pm, I was in a brillantly good mood, I actually thought I was going to get done all the things I planned. I had a table cart packed with stuff to take out. But the pear and apple boxes have that annoying bit of hard plastic wrapped around the box so you can't open it, so I figured instead of fighting with it like I usually do, I'll just cut it off. There was a knife sitting on the desk.

Now, it wasn't like I was thinking, "Oh, let's cut it off!" all excited like some people get, because they'll find any excuse to play with knives. and I've been handy with knives and boxcutters since before I was even a teenager, not once had an accident with one.

For whatever reason, I moved the knife the wrong way, and my left hand was in the wrong place at the wrong time. but all of a sudden the knife (that turned out to be a lot sharper than I thought) had hit the knuckle of my left ring finger, and my left pinky knuckle. It was the weirdest angle to because I really cut across both knuckles.

I'll save you most of the gory details, it was gross. And I ran to the sink and cleaned it and wrapped it in paper towel and applied pressure. I was doing good.

until about ten minutes later when it still hadn't stopped bleeding. Then I got a little freaked out. (because I have no problems with blood and injuries. so it just shows to how gross it must have been to have me freaked out over it)

I paged my dad, who took his time because I had sounded calm on the intercom. He finally came back and I had to explain how I'm an idiot of slice my knuckles open because I'm an idiot. we went to the office and about five minutes later my fingers were wrapped and bandaged and hurting like hell.

Then I finally cried. and I felt stupid because normal people cry why things are happening. I always cry when things are settled and I have a moment to breathe. I was just afraid I'd need to go to the hospital for stitches (which I didn't do) and I was afraid I'd never be able to move my ring finger again (cuz it got cut worse) because of when It was cut, so that made me want to bend it so I would feel reassured, but when I bent it the whole bleeding thing got worse.

anyway, I went back to work for two hours, and gave up a little earlier than 10pm, because, It was a rough night.

Now my fingers hurt like hell, like really really hurt.... like I can't describe how much it hurts. and it's difficult to do things because I can move those fingers. and grrr.

I'm still a little worried that it might get infected, might not heal right and I might loose those fingers, but that's just paranoia. It was just really really gross looking. bleh.

my mom and Courtney laughed when I told them the stories, because of the faces I make... and let's face it, I can make even the worst things sound funny when I say it outloud. It's a gift.

So that was my fun and exciting night at the store.

Peace <3
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