(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 07:06

So I had this crazy dream last night...

I was at school, in the dorms and something weird was going on, there's all these men and a couple of women in suits walking around with clipboards. And I just kinda ignored it but it kinda freaked me out. They were talking about some project. Then some girl I know came to my room talling me about something and wanting my help... but I told her I couldn't, there was something I had to do.

So I was walking with someone (I don't know who) through a mall (Kinda like this mall at home) and we were on the lower level and whoever I'm with is talking to me about something stupid. I don't even think I knew the person. maybe they were just following me. and we were passing CVS and there was a loud noise, so I stop and look towards CVS and there was this man holding a gun pointed at me. And people all around are screaming and whoever was with me ran away and the man is just yelling at me.

I was so scared I wasn't able to move. All I could think was, "This can't be real." And the man with the gun was screaming about how he was going to kill me. Then yelled at me to put my hands up. I said, "Alright, calm down, dude. It's alright." in a voice much calmer than anything I was feeling at the time. I don't know what I reached for, but I carefully took something out of my pocket and as I went to raise my hands I threw it at him. He screamed and starts shooting in another direction because he was startled, people are screaming and I start running as fast as I could as soon as whatever I threw left my hand.

So I run into this empty resturant (and it seemed familiar, like I had been there before) but whatever I thought I knew about the place had changed, the whole layout was different. So I hear tables and things crashing behind me and I hear a gun being fired behind me and I run to the left and find a door. I run up the stairs behind the door and run through a room on the second floor.

then I run through a couple of more doors and then there's this small room with wood paneling and it's like half filled with water and half lit. I go in and close the door. it was kinda weird, it was like this closet half filled with water and there was a square hole at the bottom of one of the walls, like if you duck beneath the water you can swim through, and then it was like this other closet size thing, but taller (so tall that I didn't hit the bottom even if I swam down) and filled with water except for about 6 inches at the top and this room was complete dark, and there was another hole in the wall somewhere in the middle of the opposite wall of the first hole.

I'm in a panic, I didn't think it would be like that. I'm not the best swimmer and it's dark and someone's trying to kill me, I have no idea where he is but I'm praying he doesn't find me. So I swim down and find the second hole. I try to swim through by part of my shirt gets caught on something. Then I think instead of being shot, I'll just drown. I can see it's really dark in the next room and so I try to back out of the whole and my shirt kinds rips off. I get out of the hole and swim back to the first hole. I think about going out the door and trying something else. I open the door but I head the man with the gun close by swearing and yelling for me to come out. but I was pretty sure he wouldn't come in the room I was in.

So I look around really quick to see if maybe there's a lightswitch for the other rooms. I find a lightswitch and flip it and hope it works. It does, when I get to the second room it's half lit with an orange glow. I quickly try to make it to the third room and my shoulder gets cut on something. The third room is the same as the second so I swim down trying to find another hole to go through but I can't find one.

I go up for air and I try a couple of more times. then while under my pant leg gets caught on something so I lose my pants. I'm swimming around naked searching the wall. I was about to give up hope and I must have hit something along the wall because the room drained of water like the floor had opened up and I'm tumbling through the water down some sort of slide and finally hit this concrete floor and tumble a little. It hurt like hell cut my injured shoulder hit the floor first.

I look around and it looks like some sort of lab. There's four people about 15 feet away wearing white lab coats and holding clipboards, all young, around my age. 2 nerdy looking boys and a nerdy girl with glasses all standing while sean biggerstaff (Yeah, this dream keeps getting weirder and weirder) is sitting in a chair. So I'm confused and one of the boys standing says, "You're quicker than we expected you to be." And I was like, "what?" So I stand up and walk over to them. (keep in mind, I'm naked at this point, though I was really in too much shock to notice) The two nerdy boys are staring at me and the girl smacks them and
sean is adding something up on the clipboard. Then he hands me the sheet of paper. "Here are you results." He said.

I probably said "What?" Again and look at the paper. It had different categories and for the most part I ranked well in all of them. so I'm confused and I get angry and scream, "What the fuck is this??" and one of the boys start to explain their project blah blah blah, they needed to find the one who could help, someone quick enough, clever enough and all this other stuff. So they had to test me and I was more than they expected.

I tried to listen but it sounded complicated and sometime during the speech I realized that I was naked. So when the boy was done speaking I was just like, "umm, can I get something to wear?" so the boy that was talking walks away to find me something to wear, the girl had walked away before and was doing whatever. and the other boy was with her. I notice a small bed in the corner and then look at sean, he hasn't looked at me at all the whole time. He's reading my results again.

I touch his knee, trying to figure out if all this is happening (which is dumb cuz it's a dream) and my imagination is so vivid that I can feel the fabric of his jeans beneath my fingers and I'm convinced it's real. "So... that man... he was part of this?" I ask. Sean looks up but look right into my eyes. "yes." He said. "So he's not going to like pop out from anywhere and kill me?" I ask. "No, you're safe now." I turn and look toward where I landed. sean touched the back of my shoulder and I jump. and turned to look at him. "You're hurt." He said. I shook my head. "I'm fine." I said. "I'll get Kelly to take care of it for you." he said.

the boy who went to look for clothes says, "Here you go." and tosses a blue robe to sean, sean stands and wraps the robe around me and as I put my arms through the sleeves he looks down and is kinda staring at me and blushes. "I'm sorry" He said. I laughed. "I've been standing here naked for 10 minutes and you're just noticing?" I ask. "I was trying not to look." He said.

Kelly comes over to bandage the cut on my shoulder. Then they tell me to get some rest. so I crawl into the bed and they leave. And it's kinda dark, but there's just enough light that I can see a little. I close my eyes and there's a sound. So I jump up and gasp. "Sorry." Sean said. He comes over and sits on the bed. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He said. "I guess I am." I said. "Alright, I guess I'll go." He said standing up. I grab his hand. "Please... can you stay with me?" I ask. I just didn't want to be alone. "Sure." He said. He took off his lab coat and laid down next to me. "It's just... I keep expecting someone to come out trying to shot me and..." I involuntarily shook.

Sean put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. "I was scared too... Just watching the camera as it happened. I didn't want to test you... I didn't want you to go through that." He said. I started to cry and he said how sorry he was. How I don't have to do anything anymore. that he'll protect me. "What about the others? They seem to think that I'm the one they're looking for. That I'm the one who has to fight." I say. He just holds me tighter and says, "I don't care. They can find someone else. You're not fighting. I'll protect you. I won't let you get hurt."

I look up at him and kiss him. And it was just so intense, all my fear, sadness, hope, everything was welling up inside me and I don't know exactly what he was feeling but he kissed me with such intensity that my lip started to bleed...

Then I woke up...

I really have to stop dreaming... it's just too crazy

Peace out <3
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