(no subject)

Mar 07, 2006 16:24

woke up this morning at 3:30 in a blind panic because I wasn't breathing, and I'm sure frailing around the bed and trying to scream but can't because I wasn't breathing was a great idea.

seconds later I started breathing. Very strained breaths, but it was breathing. Then laid there coughing, choking and wheezing trying not to panic. And I thought I really should call public safety or the EMTs but it was 3:30 in the morning. And as I struggled to breathe I'm thinking to myself, 'Does this count as an emergency?'

Apparently the answer is, 'Yes you fucking dumbass, you're not breathing!!'

Anyway, around 5am I'm breathing well enough so I stop panicking. around 5:30 I'm still coughing and my roommate is making noises every time I cough or wheeze or blow my nose and I'm pretty sure she was getting pissed off. So I try to take a shower for about an hour. by 7 i'm just laying still breathing, debating wether to go to health services again or just lay in bed all day and see if that makes it better.

I some puffs of my inhaler and leave just after 8am. My breathing was really crappy so the doctor had me get something to eat to see if it would make me feel better, and take my inhaler again and just sit still for about an hour to see if that helps. It doesn't and they got a cab to take me to the ER.

I spent about 5 hours in the ER. The first breathing treatment made things feel worse. (my lungs were so closed up they didn't know what was going on) then they gave me a bunch of prednisone (a steroid that has me so fucking wide awake at the moment) then another breathing treatment. some point during that time about 6 med students came to listen to my lungs (seperately, they kept wandering in randomly like, "Hi, I'm so and so, I'm a med student. Can I listen to your lungs?") and I thought I was going to cough up a lung.

Apparently there's nothing massively wrong (except that my lungs hate me and aren't working which in itself is massively wrong) so they sent me back to campus with a prednisone script (I probably won't sleep all week cuz of it) and a cough syrup thing (which is my only shot at sleeping, cuz it's suppose to make me sleepy.) plus the antibiotics I got yesterday.

I almost went to class when I got back, but I walked to get some food and by time I got back to the dorm I felt like I was dying again. I have a test tomorrow in grammer, so I might stay for that, but I feel worse tomorrow I'll just go home. This week has been such a fucking waste.

My chest still hurts a little, but they told me I can use my inhaler every 4 hours. So that's my hope for breathing right now. I think if I just lay still I'll be alright.

Except all this has made me very upset and depressed (but I suppse none of that is important at the moment.)

Peace out <3
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