Have now been awake, for various reasons I'm going to include in another post (though in the meantime I will point you
here), for over twenty-seven hours.
Which may explain this utterly batshit crazy idea I've had.
I am going to try (operative word here, people), either this month or the next, to post a fic every day with a different Tosh pairing everyday. Came up with the idea as Lali and I were walking back through the apocalypse-esque weather and have since come up with twenty-five to twenty-six pairings that I would happily write. Or, as in the case of Tosh/Gwen, be willing to have a go at.
I kind of want to keep to Torchwood/Dr Who pairings (most importantly pairings that I think I'll be able to write), but this said there are two crossover pairings on my list so far with Will of Robin Hood fame and the good Dr Mohinder Suresh of Heroes (from series one. Y'know, before he went a bit stupid) and I will happily add Sirius, Remus and Tonks (individually, not as one big orgy) if I can't think of anymore. And now that I think of it a Merlin crossover would add a lovely dose of WTF? to the whole thing.
*sighs* I need to sleep. Sometime like now.