Apr 03, 2008 18:58
Lali, having read through a rather pointless Jack/Ianto fic I've written: Traitor to your OTP!
Shadow: Hey, multi-shipper and you know it. I mean, Jack/Tosh is OTP, but I have mistresses.
Lali: *laughs*
Shadow: Actually, what's the male equivalent of a misstress?
Lali: *thinks* I think it's just a man on the side.
Shadow: That's it - Jack/Tosh is the OTP, Tosh/Kathy is my misstress, Jack/Ianto is my man on the side and Tosh/Ianto...what would Tosh/Ianto be?
Lali: Occasional one night stand?
Shadow: The friend I sleep with every now and again.
Lali: *exasperated laugh*
Shadow: And Jack/Tosh/Ianto is those nights he joins us!
Lali: That's your man on the side, surely?
Shadow: No, man on the side is Jack/Ianto, and - oh. Yeah, I see...
Shadow: I know, Jack/Tosh/Ianto is the dodgy dinnerparty we have sometimes!
Lali: What about Tosh/Kathy?
Shadow: They couldn't make it. They were doing things. At work.
Lali: *headesk*
ETA: Should just add that in between writing this and posting this we watched the child friendly version of Fragments and greatly freaked out our male flatmsate, after he let us know that the word on the street was JB was gay. (Mio Dio!).
James: Oh. Are those two gay? *points at Jack and Ianto, currently rolling around in each other's arms in post Pterodactyl-capturing joy*
Lali: Not at this point, 'cause it's a flashback. They're together now, though.
James: Oh yeah?
Shadow: Have it off in the greenhouse and everything.
James: WHUT?
Shadow: Have It Off In The Greenhouse. Keep up, dear.
James: Is that a euphemism? I mean, what's it mean?
Shadow: Handjob.
*Here James has a look of shock, terror and intrigue, not dissimilar to tose who have witnessed a car crash*
Lali: Yeah, but they were going to do the whole thing, weren't they?
Shadow: Just getting things started.
*James finishes up his dinner through Owen's story and gets ready to take it to his room*
Shadow: Aren't you going to stay to see the vengeful ex-boyfriend?
James: Nah, I;m watching James Bond. Whose vengeful ex-boyfriend, his? *points at Jack, now back on screen*
Shadow: Yeah. That's the reason they're bureid in rumble, 'cause of the vengeful ex-boyfriend.
James: Oh yeah? Might come back for that later on.
*James leaves, Lali and Shadow bump fists*
Lali: Think we might have converted one there.