It's all fun and games until some twat ruins things for everyone...

Oct 31, 2007 12:21

I'd like all and any Jack/Gwen shippers I know or that come across this that the following rant is nothing to do with you.

Unless you are that petty fuckwit who keeps bumping up the Jack/Gwen numbers on funvote at three in the morning when no one's going to notice the sudden 150 swell of votes over half an hour every time Jack/Tosh get ten, eleven votes ahead of it.

I should perhaps explain that this has happened twice in about the space of a week; Jack/Tosh gets a head by about ten votes, maybe more. Me and Lali wake up next morning to find that Jack/Gwen has sudden;y moved up 150. Well, I wake up to find it - Lali, awake at the time sees it escalate up the polls over the space of 15 minutes.

Last night I was the one to witness the sudden surge; I voted around 3.15am when Jack Tosh was ahead by about 12, meandered off to try and find House clips from "Mirror mirror", and then went to check them again about half an hour later to find Jack/Gwen ahead of not only Jack/Tosh but Jack/Estelle too.

Anyone think that doesn't sound suspicious? Because it's taken Jack/Tosh a space of six days to catch up and over take Jack/Gwen, whilst Jack/Gwen itself has only garnered about 20 votes in that space of time. And both times It's over taken by about 150.

That makes me annoyed. What's gotten me really angry is that it's happened twice, there clearly aren't 150 people voting for Jack/Gwen in the meantime - they'd be in the top six otherwise. What really gets me though - J/T and J/G; not competing to come first. Not to get into the top five. Not even to get into the top ten; both ships are there anyway.

No, this person is doing this so Jack/Tosh doesn't come in ninth. Ninth. Or they just can't bear the thought that their chip, their almost canon ship is being beaten by the random and small ship that is Jack/Tosh; they haven't tried to wrest eighth away from Jack/Estelle.

Seriously pissed off about this. It's fucking petty and what's more really lowers my general opinion of the Jack/Gwen ship and its fans. I know some lovely Jack/Gwen shippers, I know from the law of averages there must be more out there somewhere. I cannot think why so many of the ones I encounter are the fuckwits. This kind of thing just lowers their credibility.

Part of the reason I'm not posting it on
torch_wood, as I had said I would when pacing and ranting at Lali earlier. There's no point; it'll stir up Gwenhate and Jack/Gwen-hate and make a mockery of Jack/Gwen shippers (who, let's face it, have to put up with a lot from the rest of the fandom already, especially if they're die hard shippers and don't do the whole multi-shipping thing) when it's only one person who thinks they're being terribly clever.  Also because I once bragged that as a fnadom we were better than this. We didn't do the mamoth ship wars like House fandom; we had our favoured ships and got on with it, glanced across at other people, shook our heads and left them to it, as they probably did to us.

I'm suddenly very glad so few people saw that entry.

I will admit that I am taking this quite personally, partly because Jack//Tosh is one of my ships, if not the ship and the closest thing to an OTP I have and partly because Jack/Tosh is actually a pretty small contingent. I do see it as someone assuming that because Jack/Gwen's a bigger ship and kind of canon (certainly moreso than Jack/Tosh) they can get away with doing this not once but twice. I realise my reaction is vividly coloured by emotion and it's nowhere near as personal as I'm taking it. It doesn't make me any less angry about this, which has ruined something that was meant to be just a bit of fun, and fair enough, it's not much fun when your ship doesn't even make the top ten, but there are plenty of other ships who don't (Jack/Swanson for example, rarely makes it on to the first page).

...anyway, I'm sorry for any Jack/Gwen people who have sat through this rant. I know that this is nothing to do with you - I know it's just some idiot who thinks they can "win" and doesn't relise how badly this reflects on you guys as a whole. I'm just off to go head desks now.    

rant, nonsensical ramblings, torchwood

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