Title: Due care and attention
shadowbyrdRating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Character(s): Nine and Jack. Some Nine/Jack.
Word Count: 1531
Summary: In which innuendoes are thrown around, the perils of time travel are discussed and male bonding is had.
A/N: Set between Doctor dances and Boomtown.
The Doctor had been meaning to get some sleep for a few days now )
I loved their relationship dearly. I will always feel a little bitter that Jack never got to confront Nine in canon.
And the Master would have been "How exactly?"
And then Nine would say "Like THIS"
And then Nine would totally be a BAMF and take down the Master and his evil plans. There would have been no Year That Never Was, Jack would not have been tortured for a year, and Nine and Jack would kiss and then go on more adventures with Martha. They would have even let Martha join in, because Jack and Nine are cool like that.
Oops, long response is long. :)
I'm a multi-shipper, I can't help it
Say it loud and proud! Fandom in general needs more multishippers.
Point, though; the main things Jack got out of that arc was abandoning the Torchwood team to make for drama later and realising that he doesn't want to go around with the Doctor any more. Whether that's because it's not Nine, or because in the past hundred or so years he's grown out of him (though I'm sure Eleven could fix that!)
It's funny that you say that - Nine/Martha is a favourite little crack ship of mine, and one of the reasons I want there to be an episode with multiple Doctors a la The Five Doctors. I want to see what they would make of each other! I really need to write that fic...
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