Disguise [fic]

Jun 26, 2009 10:47

Title: Disguise
Author: shadowbyrd
Rating: G
Prompt: 27. (Author's choice) "Let's play pretend" for un_love_you
Pairing: Tosh/Kathy
Word Count: 349
Summary: You can't always be yourself.
A/N: The John mentioned in here isn't John Hart.

“You’re not seriously trying to back out now, not when we’re in my parents’ drive.” said Kathy, giving her sergeant a filthy look.

“I’m just - I’m not sure this is such a good idea, that’s all.” said John reasonably, not even making to remove his seatbelt. “I mean, what if they try to get us to go out with them later? Or if they ring one of us up at work? We’re going to have to move the pretence there as well.”

Kathy looked pleading. “Oh come on, John. You said you would. And I’d do it for you.”

“Yeah, and that would make a bit more sense, what with me not having a girlfriend -”

“Keep your voice down.” Kathy hissed, watching through narrowed eyes as the front door opened to better allow one of her cousins to peer out at her car.

“ - unlike you.” John continued more quietly. “I mean, what’s wrong with bringing Toshiko? She’d probably actually enjoy it.”

Kathy folded her arms and sat back in her seat. “And how would I explain that?”

John shrugged “Just say she’s a friend? I mean that’s not exactly lying, is it?”

“A “friend” I brought to a family gathering?” asked Kathy, giving him a disgusted look. “That would be a bit obvious don’t you think?”

“What’s Toshiko think?” asked John pointedly.

“John. Please. You owe me a favour.”

“You shouldn’t have to lie like this.” John said instead.

“I shouldn’t have to lie at work either, but you happily support my stories there.” said Kathy, unbuckling her belt. “Are you coming?”

John sighed. “Yeah.” Kathy had already shut the car door.

“Kath!” Her cousin pulled her into a tight hug.

“Val!” said Kathy with a genuine smile.

“Why so long in the car?” she muttered in Kathy’s ear.

“Trying to settle the directions argument from earlier.” Kathy murmured back as the pulled apart. “You know what men are like.”

Valerie nodded her smile not quite hiding her concern. “Yeah.” she said, glancing over Kathy’s shoulder at John, just now climbing out of the car. “I know.”

slash, torchwood fic, toshiko sato/kathy swanson, 21, un_love_you, fic, torchwood

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