Application for mythopoeics

Oct 22, 2022 12:27

.the mundane;
» Name: Ivy
» Age: 22
» Journal: ivellinus
» Contact: AIM: hpfreakir

.the myth;
» Pantheon: Greek
» God: Erebus
» Reference: 1, 2, 3
» Family: {mother & father} Khaos {spouse} Nyx
» Played By: Matthew Bomer
» Human Alias: Steven Schaduwen
» Human Age: 32
» Ability: Erebus has the ability to manipulate shadows for whatever reason he so pleases. He can't create them but he can make them grow depending on his concentration; that being said, Erebus could make an entire room pitch black if he wanted to.
» Occupation: He's a private investigator (Private Eye, PI)

» History: Other than being Nyx's main spouse and having children with her, there isn't much to Erebus' history. He was the darkness and and the shadows, and for a very long time, he was everywhere. According to Theoi, Erebus is the dark mist which fills the world, and Nyx is the one to spread this darkness across the sky, creating the night. Hemera then scattered the darkness, bringing the morning and day with her. Sometimes he is identified with the Underworld (minus Tartarus), but for purposes of this RP the Underworld was nothing more than a place of residence for the former god of darkness and shadows.

» Reincarnations: Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, Erebus lived a full and very long life the first time he was reincarnated. In the early seventeenth century he lived out his first life as a taxidermist in the American west, although he had no memory of who he really was at the time. A relatively ugly and quiet man, Erebus, or "Henry" as was called, lived for his work; one could even call it his passion. After forty or so years he was able to save up enough from his lifelong work to begin traveling the country, going further west to see where his work would lead him. Eventually he invested in a trading post out in what would today be somewhere in the middle of Kansas. He died a happy man at the rip old age of 78 alone in his trading post. He never married, and never had children.

After being reincarnated other once already, Erebus came back today as Steven Schaduwen, technically he came back thirty two years ago. He was born the son of a business man and woman who were away from their home more often than not, though he never bothered asking why he was conceived. There was no love lost between Steven and his parents, he was a bright young boy and at a very young age he became aware of his true identity as Erebus, the former god of darkness and shadows. Almost the instant he discovered himself, he was intrigued. Life as a human as opposed to watching them through shadows and darkness was something the former god had always imagined. Knowing their darkest secrets was intimate, but secrets, shame, anger, hatred and lust are all things too commonly found in dark places, and Erebus would like to expand his horizons and develop a well rounded opinion of humans. That being said, it was better for Steven that his parents were gone most of the time because it gave him more opportunities to explore and learn things his own way without their interference. School taught him that many of his peers parents were overbearing and interfering; he would be forever thankful to his parents for not crowding him, which might not have been the case if he didn't know who he was. .

Steven did just fine in school, in fact he did above average, it wasn't something he considered hard, but he never particularly enjoyed it. Even after finishing law school at the request of his parents, his feelings were the same as ever. By this time he had become infatuated with humans, and the drama they seemed to always be causing for themselves. Everyday, it was as if he got to watch the worlds number one program without even owning a television. Needless to say Steven enjoyed his stint as a lawyer on the bottom of the totem pole, but eventually saved up enough to do what he really wanted, of course inheritance from his grandfther helped. Steven opened his own office and became a private investigator. Why? Because people ask private investigators to do all sorts of things, it's entertaining, interesting, and much better than being a lawyer; plus, he's always felt his work was much more personal anyway. Sometimes he really makes a connection.

» Personality: Erebus is sometimes identified with the whole of the Underworld, and most definitely with literal darkness and shadows that fill the earth. It's not surprising that he would feel most at peace underground, but regardless he enjoys dark, or dimly lit spaces for relaxing or working. Direct light, and especially the sun hurt his eyes more so than the usual person, but he's not going to burn up or melt if exposed to it, walking in it every day disproved that theory. His distaste of the sun doesn't make him stand out in that glaringly white sense, and like most of the world he operates his business in the day time. His home life is the only thing that could be called unusual, considering he does everything under very dim lighting, which he has found leads to bad vision. And yet he still does it with his glasses on if he has to.

He is an obsessive sort, in more ways that one. To start off, if something has piqued his interest to a certain extent it's not unlikely that he will become obsessed. Sometimes he gets so lost in his own interests that he seems distant and withdrawn, but he's only withdrawing into himself . This translates well into his work which is snooping, staking out various locations, sneaking into places, and maybe even getting your hands a little dirty. This is bad for the love life, seriously, because no woman likes to be ignored which is exactly what Steven would do when his mind is completely preoccupied. Of course, if he ever found a woman that was as interested in his work as he was, they could be a match made in heaven. Steven's not holding his breath; in fact he's never had a relationship lasting longer than a year and it's never bothered in him the slightest. Some women have claimed he is picky and obsessed with details, and in a way, they aren't wrong. Erebus is very much aware of details, compliments of being the reincarnation of the guy to able sneak in everywhere, tight places and cracks. These details aren't "hairy toes," or "a witch nose," no, most of what Steven notices is under the surface. He's dated too many women who only want to end up married, the fact that he can usually figure something like that out on a first date isn't comforting. A Steven is all about the details, and if a lady has a one track mind like that, she'll have a hard time keeping his interest. Still getting mixed up with the little things can have it's disadvantages, and sometimes leaves Steven not thinking of the big picture. He has no regrets because of it, at least not yet anyway.

Steven isn't so socially awkward that he would be considered an outcast, and he is by no means shy or meet, however he prefers to work alone and doesn't make an effor to maintain a nice group of friends. Certainly because of his good looks Steven has been able to attract a decent amount of people and even though he is always friendly enough, most turn out to be nothing more to him than acquaintances. Steven has the tendency to come off as quirky guy--he's sharper and smarter than the average P.I. but most people see this as endearing; he's not one to mince words and will often speak his mind in a way some might consider untactful. He makes good business for telling it like it is though. Aside from his cases, Steven is pretty detached from society in general. He keeps up with current world affairs, but he makes very little effort to mingle, despite New York's large population and entertainment centers, because he is much more interested in his work.

Darkness is everywhere, he was every where; he may lack these capabilities now, but he's not worse of because of, quite the opposite in fact. For Steven this vast capability translates through his shrewdness. No, he doesn't know everything, but he does now a heck of a lot, and what he doesn't know, he's fairly good at bullshitting. This kind of skill is gained through endless observation and experience, being a lawyer it turned out, only sharpened his wit and observation skills. He has a sharp mind and usually doesn't miss a bea,; in this way his attention to details often times pays off. Ticks, habits, tendencies and reactions are impossible for him to miss, his eyes always want to see everything. Steven considers himself a good reader--he can tell when the average person is lying, and he can detect emotions fairly easily. Of course, lengthy periods of time without much socializing can make his skills a bit rusty. But it still doesn't change the fact that being a lawyer gave him plenty of experience with all types of liars. Steven's been fooled before, and he doesn't like it, so he doesn't let it happen if he can help it.

In a word, stoic covers it. Steven keeps up the appearance of being unaffected by those silly emotions such as happiness, sorrow, grief, pleasure, pain, etc. Really, he's capable of feeling such emotions and has before, but displaying them so openly is just not how he prefers to handle himself, and actually makes him a little sick inside. He doesn't like talking about his feelings--and although Erebus may miss his consort Nyx, he doesn't dwell. Erebus is very interested in the emotions of humans who are not him because it is acceptable for them to behave in such a manner. Thankfully his business keeps him plenty busy--he's so wrapped up in the lives of others that he barely makes time to call his parents. Then again, he doesn't really mind not making the time.

Steven's view of the world is a cynical one. The majority of people he sees as being selfish, greedy, lustful, and self-destructive. Sure it is said people can become better and good, but in the end he believes always fall back into their old disgusting habits, that is if they manage any kind of change at all in the first place, simply because things are easier that way. Then there is the sort that just lust for power and will do anything to seize it, and they are also a disgusting type. Basically Steven takes advantage of people's petty worries and obsessions--guess how many hysterical wives suspicious of their husband being unfaithful have come to him? A lot. Steven isn't much better since he works for these types, but he's content knowing that his own life is never so full of drama.

» Journal: shadowbus

» Sample Journal: [ Erebus is all business and charming smiles when he makes an appearance on the network. He is sitting in his dimly lit office, ] Some of us have only just met, or have only just been reacquainted through this network, so allow me to take this opportunity to extend my services to you all. [ Which could be the beginning of a beautiful string of cases, or a train wreck depending on how things turn out. ]

The police in this city have a habit of being more trouble than their worth. Now, I mean no disrespect to the officers who serve this community, but their methods can be a bit...slow. [ It's all velvet still. ] Then again, there are those cases they would turn their noses up at, which is where I fit in. [ He is purely business now and just a bit excited to be attracting more. ] As a licensed private investigator, I am fully prepared to take on those cases the police would refuse, and of course, anything else you might want to bring to me. [ Sincerely hoping that no one takes that literally and shows up at his office with some ridiculous request. ]

My office can't be missed. [ Insert address. ] Google maps is very useful for those of you who'll be needing directions. It's quite impressive what they can do now. [ It's just like an old man to say that. ]

» Sample Roleplay: Twilight was perhaps his favorite part of the day, particularly before dawn, it was especially cool, and of course reminded him of his daughter, Hemara, who he was always closer to than the other children. Erebus also found that this time of day was perfect for staking out especially when it came to cases involving adultery. Currently, he was parked outside of a seedy hotel, in hopes of getting a shot of a prominent wall street investor out with the young man of twenty three, he was less than half of the investors age. His wife would be interested in hearing about her husbands affair, but she would be mortified to discover his preference for impressionable young men.

Impressionable young men who were also hookers. Erebus watched, unblinking as the boy emerged from the hotel room, stuffing bills into his pocket before buttoning up the rest of his wrinkled shirt. The boy walked away from the hotel at a brisk pace, as if he was running from something and too terrified to look back; Erebus followed him all the way to his apartment, which was in an equally shabby building only two miles from the motel. There was no money shot to show for his work, but he was far from displeased with what the night had to offer. He was positive this arrangement had been going on for much longer than the investor's wife had suspected, and decided to turn around to return to the motel and press the desk manager for answers. All he would need is a fake police investigator badge, which believe or not, aren't too difficult to come by. The desk manager was an over the hill, and he could tell she was once beautiful, before the heroin. She she smiled at him and offered a flirty wave as he stepped through the front door, he couldn't help but smile himself, knowing this would be easier than he anticipated.

rpg: mythopoeics, !application
