Aug 29, 2005 15:24
We act like we were in existence before the natural ebbs and flows of this planet. It's sad (i do understand why) that we call natural occurences "disasters" almost as if we believe the earth is punishing us, or that we need to punish it.
Really all it is is the way this planet functions. Physical changes, colision of gases, movement of water, slipping of the surface, decay of topsoil.
Yes it is a living "breathing" being (enviroment) so obviously we can make an impact (positive, or negative) but it just is. It is a planet revolving and thriving, that is all.
All we are concerned about is how it affects our day-to-day....*sigh*
With that being said. We were asked to write in english class today (writing in english?!) about our grandmothers.
Here is some of what i wrote:
Grandma is always picking up, setting down, or showing you something. She has obvious links to everyones past, and it delights her to share her own recolections of the family tree.
She hugs you like it is the last hug you'll ever recieve, as her cold fingernails gently pinch your flesh that is in her arms.
Grandma still has baby fat it seems, even though the skin is aged and wrinkled, it is as soft as a childs.
I have parfume that my grandmother gave me, every time i want to smell her i open the bottle. It is an overwhelming smell that clings to your clothes for days, like autumn. Hotel soaps and the over-powering essence of flower parfumes are the only smells i can recall grandma smelling like.