Aug 03, 2005 17:18
Can't escape this media. It is my free will to not listen to death, destruction, murder, war, politics and greed. I get harped on by others because i dont care to know whats going on in my country. Since when was this my country, i didn't choose it. All you have to do is read the "News" once and you've read it for every day month and year. No wonder people are doomed to make the same mistakes when it is being shoved in your face every damn day. How can we expect youth to grow up unarmed if the responsible role models they have are killing others for the "Just and right cause"....or atleast supporting or listening to it.
It is my concern and my duty as an american right now to shut it out. Caring and grieving, crying and supporting, what will that do for this nation, for my own life?
Information is keen, i do agree...but how about who saved someone else from drowning, the kitten that was lost but is now safely returned, the man with a solarized farm....or maybe the new headline "why we went to war"....jesus christ im through with being sickened. Every time i go to yahoo home page i close my eyes until im passed the news articles.
41 got killed in car bomb in iraq
South beach teen raped and murdered
Bomb explodes killing 26 in temple
16 shot outside night club
Who the hell ever thought that people need and want to hear this.
We are told that it is our duty as good citizens to know what is going on in our countries affairs.
Since when is this all we ever get to know about the face of our country...and since this is all we hear, why do some still have a high opinion of where we live?