My vote.

Oct 30, 2008 20:45

When it comes to the elections I'm not the biggest fan you'll find. I don't watch the debates I despise The political adds on the radio and so on. I did vote for Bush in his first term in office however I was so put off by the second election that I didn't vote. I was tempted to for go this election as well. I have changed my mind however. I would like to retain my right to complain. yep that's the only reason for the vote this year. and I'm going to go for the unlikely candidate Obama. I say unlikely because I don't trust him all the way. I can explain it. I don't feel its because of his race. simply he seems too new for the job. I've dicded on Obama for the reason that I want to see what will happen. If he wins I want to see if he can do what he said he wants to. I want to see if young blood does really make a huge difference in our lives. And I'm wondering if he would survive his term. attempts have already been made and failed. This might make me sound cruel, but its the truth of how I feel.
Still don't take me wrong. I personally don't what to see Obama or anyone else actually get hurt. I'm just saying it should make for an interesting term.
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