Aug 30, 2007 13:52
Went to go tour the NRA range at lunch today with a friend from work. While I don’t agree 100% with the NRA and their recent activities, DAMN what a nice range. Unfortunately, for this area range options are limited.
Shooters Paradise burned to the ground 6 months ago.
Blue Ridge’s range is in violation of so many health regulations, the prices are insane and the staff make you show them every round to ensure only frangible rounds are used. Thanks, but I don’t like TSA running a range.
There is one in Alexandria (I want to say Clarke Brothers, or something “small arms” in the title), but I’ve not heard anything about them.
So I’m contemplating use of their range for practicing. I’ll go on the “pal of a member” tit for now, and when things clear up financially, look into a possible membership for unrestricted shooting privileges.