The Strange Workings of Fate...

Mar 21, 2010 08:00

Jessep and I both went out last night. He was hanging out playing video games with the guys, and we ladies had a lovely Ostara ritual. Overall a nice Saturday night.

We say goodbye to everyone around 1:30am or so, drive towards home, Echo in hand (she stayed the night with a friend Friday night while we went to a very disappointing concert). We get off the West Seattle bridge a little after 2 am.

As we drive up Admiral Hill, almost halfway to the top, this big Ford truck comes speeding from behind us, and according to Jessep nearly clipped our back bumper. Jessep just does what he normally does, mutters "douchebag" under his breath and focus on getting us home alive.

Then we get to the top of the hill. The truck that just narrowly missed us was pretty crushed in on the driver's side, and the front of the oncoming SUV that it hit was scrunched up like a big metal ball. Jessep stops about five hundred feet behind the accident, gives me the phone, and goes to help a registered nurse who lives in the area and heard the noise. I called 911, gave them as much info as I could, and went to tell Jessep. As I was telling him, he was doing everything he could to keep the driver of the truck inside the squished metal, since he kept trying to wriggle out, despite Jessep's constant reminding that if he kept moving he could seriously injure himself even further than he already was.

The fire department and police showed up very quickly, had to use the jaws of life to get the driver out. They asked us for our statements again, and our contact info just in case, since we were the first on the scene.

Once we got home, I checked West Seattle Blog and found out that there was 1 death as a result from the accident, and 2 seriously injured.

And all I could keep thinking was that in the course of a little less than five seconds, that could have been us. But he just passed us by and hit someone else. I really feel so sorry for the person who died as well as those injured, even the drunk driver.

But honestly, I am just so grateful that we are both alive right now. And that my friends and family are, too.
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