Jul 15, 2009 16:07

We're in Alabama safe and sound, or as I now call it THE FIERY PITS OF HELL. It's absolutely gorgeous out here but sweet Jesus, I'm fucking dying from the heat! I thought New Orleans was bad after almost a year in Seattle, at least there was AC when we were walking around the Quarter. This is re-goddamned-diculous.

Got in from the train yesterday around 2pm, and headed back to the house. Jessep's dad asked that we help them with weeding the garden this morning before we take off for DC tomorrow, and we were happy to oblige... until about 20 minutes after we actually started with the garden, which was about 9 am. By about 1 pm today, even with constant water and AC breaks, we were both near hallucinating we were so dehydrated and exhausted. And we still have some tomato plants to weed as well as some green bean plants. But we're saving that for when it cools down a bit more this evening.

Other than that, it's been awesome! They have a nice pool, and are constantly building around it (including a changing room, bar, and deck area for a table and chairs), lots of land, and TONS of wildlife. I got to see fireflies for the first time last night, as well as eat veggies that I picked, cleaned, and cooked myself. And Jessep's dad made some great steaks last night. And tomorrow we take off for a 13 hour drive to DC to see Jessep's aunt and Uncle. Woot!


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