So I get this call from Duke...

Jan 24, 2010 09:05

So I got this automated phone call last night from our power company.

"In these tough economic times, every penny counts. Did you know that you can save money, and help save the environment by switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs?

By replacing your old standard incandescent bulbs with energy saving compact fluorescent bulbs of the same wattage you will be amazed at the amount of money you can save. Help us save you money, and help the environment as well!

For more information (blah blah blah press 4321298375412 email [blah blah] ) to repeat this information, press 98217r91729r712"

So, I listened again, just to make sure I was getting the info right.

Then I decided to be a smart ass geek and make someones day at Duke Energy.


Dear Duke Energy.

Thank you so much for the information! I had tried compact bulbs but I just was not happy with the amount of light I was getting. Little did I know that I was doing it wrong!

By matching the wattage from my old bulbs to the new ones, I am indeed amazed at the amount of light I am getting now!

I'm pretty sure I will save money on my heating bill too, all while saving the environment! Its a win-win-win situation!

I have to admit I was a bit skeptical about that kind of initial cash outlay, but you convinced me. I am so glad I did it your way!

I also have to say it a was a bit rough getting everything in that tight spot, and I know my old glass light covers will not fit, but the light output is amazing!

I did manage to to drop and break a few while installing this masterpiece of matched wattage, but that's what dustbusters are for right?

I might even be able to buy one with a filter with all the money I will be saving on my electric bill.

The kids enjoyed helping clean up as well, and everyone had fun playing with the silvery stuff that was inside the bulbs! Neat stuff! Not to tasty though, according to my kids. (Don't ask me why they tasted it, you know how kids are these days!) But if we're saving the environment, it can't hurt can it?

Thanks again for all the information! Attached is a snapshot of my wonderful new overhead lights. You can imagine it took a while to get that together for 11 overhead fixtures in the house, but we managed!

I look forward to seeing the savings on my next months bill!

Yours truly,

A very happy (and well-lit!) customer!

[pic attached]

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