Jan 03, 2009 15:51
For those of you interested in keeping track at home.
2009-01-01 - Place: En route to club. Event: Pickup truck pulls out in front of me. Throws rock in the general direction of Peytons head. Damage: Nasty thwack, followed by crack from upper right portion of windscreen to middle center.
2009-01-02 - Place: Coming home from work. I-71, I-75 bridge northbound into Ohio from Kentucky. Event: Wheel (not tire, wheel) comes of "dually" pickup truck left and in front of me. No where to maneuver on bridge. Relative speed at impact probably around 20 MPH. Damage: Right turn signal busted and front bumper cover scuffed up good. Front plate mount even more crushed than before.
2009-01-03 - Place: Returning from Blaskovian Embassy JOC, In in the intra-Wilmington vehicular proving grounds of doom. (You know the place, those 9 miles between the Ren Fair exit and the Wilmington Rd Exit, where if it can go wrong, it will) Event: Large ice stalagtite comes off semi and into my lane. No room to maneuver again, estimated relative impact velocity with front wheel.. 40MPH. Damage: Scuff marks and wheel weight knocked off. Wicked shimmy. May also have separated catalytic converter further than previous. Fixed on way home.
So, anyone have a Chrysler Imperial they want to sell me for use for the rest of 2009?