(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 01:25

   So, it's now Friday, meaning that my four day weekend has begun. We just had one back during Memorial Day, and now we've got one for the 4th. That's cool and all, but I'm too broke to enjoy it right now. I didn't get paid yesterday. Hopefully, I will today. If I don't, it means that I have to go up to the finance office and figure out what the heck's going on. That's always a blast.

Today, I'm going to go see War of the Worlds with my roommate and a couple other friends. Unfortunately, I've already had most of the movie spoiled for me, but that's all right. Hearing about something and actually seeing it for myself are two different things. Besides, I was born in Missouri, where the state motto is, "show me." In other words, actions speak louder than words. Hmm...that last sentence sounds...um...crappy. Maybe I should think up a better way to say that. Maybe I should stop typing my thoughts. It looks funny. Oh well, it is 1:35 AM after all. I guess I'm entitled to a bit of hysteria after a short week that lasted so long.

I can't recall if I've ever said this on here or not, but I'm reenlisting later this year, in a combat zone. That's a $5,000 bonus. If I can do it before the end of October, it'll increase to a $10,000 bonus. Since I'll already be getting $10,000 for reenlisting to begin with, it's a decent chunk of change, and the icing on the cake is that it'll all be tax free. Combine that with the $11,800 I'll be getting for all the travel, meals, and lodging that the Army's paying me for being here in Arizona and that's a potential $31,800, and it's mine to do whatever I want. It almost makes me want to start up a bad habit just so I can spend it all. Heh, just kidding. I've got the Army as a bad habit, and nothing's worse than willingly going to war, even if it is because you were born with a complex that makes you want to protect everybody.

Speaking of the Army, I was talking to a friend of mine here and we were discussing our awards. He's been in for 9 years and he's got 8 ribbons, 3 service stripes, and 0 combat stripes. I've been in for 3 years later this month and I've got 8 ribbons, 1 service stripe, and 2 combat stripes. He was naturally jealous. It wasn't until then that I realized that, at the pace I'm going, I'm going to start making rank like nobody's business. Hell, I'll have five combat stripes once I get back from Iraq this time around, and just that one service stripe still. Seeing as how I've been told that 1 year of combat experience is pratically worth 3 years of regular time in the Army, once I return from round 2, one could say that I'd have almost 10 years of experience in the time span of just barely over 4 years. That's if you get all technical and stuff.

I was going to get into how I've almost convinced my younger brother to join the Army, but I'll save that for another day. Instead, I shall return to my room and hope that my roommate has finally decided to turn off his damn light and go to bed. What, you thought I was making this entry because I had nothing better to do? I did it so I don't choke out the bastard! Heh, anyway, take care everybody. Maybe I'll go play some more Phantasy Star Online...without the online.
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