(no subject)

Mar 23, 2003 07:51

Greetings and salutations, my friends. This update has been long in coming, so i'll try and make it worth your time. First off.. Hello Rick! Welcome to Livejournal. I expect you to update more than I do. Heh. Next.. Hello Kate, Hello Cassa. Hello, possibly, Sarah. That should be everybody that reads my journal in one fell swoop. My life, since the last update, has consisted mostly of working, sleeping, and watching movies. Fun, eh? I have re-started my old journal, though, the paper one, for entries I don't feel like telling everyone. Just a way to vent private thoughts, ya know?

Allen! So, Cody's cousin Allen has apparently found God. Bear in mind, that Allen is barely 18, and has been incarcirated three or four times for varrying charges of drug/alcohol abuse and vandalism. But apparently during his last stint in the jail, he "reached rock bottom, and realized that he needed to let Jesus into his heart." Cool, cool. I didn't say anything. Actually, congratulated him for having faith in something. I mean, the guy came into my apartment preaching to his friend Ryan about all sorts of stuff. (while, for point sake, drinking a bottle of beer.) So, what do I do? I just ask politely, that he not try and convert me or anything weird, and it'll be cool. Within moments of this, he basically tells me that I don't know what I believe in, because I "haven't hit rock bottom yet." Right. So I decided next time he preaches to me, i'm going to throw him some logic, like I have done in the past to those that press christianity on me. I'm all for alternate religions, so long as you don't try and impose them on me.

-If god is omnipotent, why did it take him seven days to create the earth and stars and junk? if he's omnipotent, why couldn't he do it instantly?
-Also, if god is omnipotent, why did he need a whole day of rest while creating the universe?
-Then God said, "Let there be light." Poof, we have light. What is the source of this light? We don't know, since this is only the first day of creation and the sun and the stars aren't created until the fourth day (Genesis 1:14).
-At the end of the first day of creation, God decides that he doesn't want the light and the darkness to be together anymore so he seperates them and calls them day and night. How darkness was able to exist in the presence of light before God seperated them is another of those great biblical mysteries.
-When day 4 rolls around, God finally decides to create the sun, moon, and stars. Where the light of day was coming from on the other three days is a mystery. Perhaps it was simply God's illustrious personality? The Bible says that God made two great lights (the sun and the moon), but we know from exploration that the moon is not a light since it is merely reflecting the light of the sun.
-God told man that he could eat from every tree in the garden of eden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We all know what happens from there. Lucifer tempts Eve, and she takes a bite of some fruit. God comes down, asks why they did it, and Eve says "the serpent tricked me into it". So does God in his infinite wisdom and perfect justice blame himself for putting the tree in the grasp of man? No. Does he blame himself for leaving man to the wiles of more intelligent creatures? No. Does he blame himself for expecting man to be able to choose the right and obey when he has kept that knowledge from him? No. God punishes the serpent, the woman, the man, and condemns all of man's future offspring to be "fallen" and "sinners." That's fair.

Okay... I'll stop now, but bear in mind that i'm only in Genesis, and i've found quite a few inconsistencies. As Sarah is the only Christian that reads my journal, i'd like to point out that I don't have anything against christians. I have lots of Christian friends. I just don't like people trying to force me into loving Jesus. =)
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