Feb 19, 2003 17:00
::hiss:: Die Sprint. Burn in the firey, firey pits of hell. I'm AT&T all the way now. ;P So Sprint sends me this cute little letter in the mail today, where the bitch in human resources actually went through my background report, and HIGHLIGHTED the part I fucked up. Um... thanks, but I understood it the first time, you crazy bitch. But that's alright. One day she'll apply for a better job, and the wheel of Karma will come around and boot her in the ass. And i'll be there to see it! Bwahahahahaha! And then, she'll descend into loneliness and despair,and her job at Sprint will start suffering. Then one fateful day, her boss will enter her office, lay a pink slip down, and quietly inform her that she's no longer needed at Sprint. And then she'll mope, and get her stuff and walk outside, and i'll drive by in a brand new sports car, and splash mud all over her. Ah, cruel irony. ::adjusts his halo::