Really Super Rad Weekend?

Nov 30, 2007 17:34

Red Bull at hand...I'm good to go XD.

Sorry that's there's been a huge gap between updates. College crap was what mostly was going on. Busy stuff, the usual. I'm getting all my homework done TONIGHT. I have a busy weekend ahead. I'm taking the SAT's for the second time tomorrow. I got a good score last time but it still could have been better.

I got my report card. I got an "A" average.

Our school's boys' soccer team won the state championship. I was very happy for them. We had a pep rally ceremony today.

Aaaanyway, I got Super Mario Galaxy and I beat it on Thanksgiving Break =P. It was truly amazing...

They are calling for snow on Monday. I hope it snows enough to get out of school ^^!

Okay...I have a little fun thing (hopefully XD) for those who like Super Smash Bros. and is waiting for Brawl (or is just interested, really XD).

Look behind the cut.

Take note of this image:

Now, note the blank space on the bottom right of the NEWCOMERS section.

I feel as if that blank space indicates one last squeezed in character before release.

Well...who do you think it may be?

You can list as many characters as you like. You must, however, tell which game he or she is from, why you want that character, and two attacks you think he or she would have ^^.

Again, you guys don't have to do it. It's just a little thing I thought would be fun.

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