SDFA Round 13 Winners

Sep 02, 2006 00:54

Hey all,

Well, one round of SDFA has come to a close, and another has opened. Round Thirteen has been great, and the entries have been wonderful. Round Fourteen is now open for nominations.

The site has been updated for the new round and has a new layout. There are also some new rules, so please make sure you read them before sending in your nomination application. You can send suggestions for categories, layouts and whatever else you come up with in through the form here or you can just email me with whatever you have to say.

As always, I’d like to extend my thanks for all of the support you have all given in the past, and continue to provide. I would also like to thank my amazing judges for all of the time and effort they have put in to ensure that everything ran smoothly. And of course, I’d like to thank you all for your wonderful contributions to the round, and for all of your support. I hope that you participate in Round Fourteen and I look forward to receiving your nominations.

Author Recognition Award - Effulgent
Amy B

The Angelic Award - Best AtS Fiction
Alla Prima by D M Evans

The Anguished Award - Best Angst Fiction
Prayers for a Poet by fetchingmadscientist

The Believe Award - Best Original Character
Kept by sexymermaid (for the character Robin)

The Bite Me Award - Best Spike Fiction
Fade to Black by Lyrstzha

The Brevitas Award - Best Short Fiction
As She Lays Sleeping by Addie Logan

The Caritas Award - Best Song Fiction

The Champion Award - Best Heroic Fiction
Unbreakable by fanbot

The Chosen One Award - Best Slayer Centric Fiction

The Dazzle Award - Best Conventional Shipper Fiction
When Harmony Met Spikey by Meltha

The Endurance Award - Best Long Fiction
The Colony of Lost Souls by crystalix

The Entangled Award - Best Jossverse Crossover
The Ravages of Hell by Keith Collins

The Entwined Award - Best Crossover
Hitching A Ride by Meltha

The Erotic Award - Best Female Slash Fiction
Damn Your Eyes by Amy B

The Exotic Award - Best Male Slash Fiction
Dual Purpose by Amy B

The Intrigue Award - Best Plot
Odalisque by Elen

The Journey Award - Best Series
All the Sinners Saints by Amy B

The Library Award - Highly Recommended
So Wild a Dream by KallieRose

The Metamorphosis Award - Best Episode Stealer

The Moonlight Award - Best Romance Fiction
A Pirate’s Life for Me by Addie Logan

Moriati Award - Best Villain
Last One Standing by KallieRose

The Nummytreat Award - Best Spike/Xander Fiction
Affected by Winter

The Only Me Award - Best Minor Character Fiction
Bit Players by spuffyduds (for the character Jonathan)

The Portal Award - Best Character History
Odalisque by Elen (for the Fanged Four)

The Seduction Award - Best PWP
Affected by Winter

The Seer Award - Best POV
Vampily Ever After by Meltha

The Slay Me Award - Best BtVS Fiction

The Sombrero Award - Best Humorous Fiction
William Summers, Vampire Hunter by PrettyPoppy

The Stake Me Award - Best Spike/Buffy Fiction
Bag of Bones by Shadowlass

The Sundown Award - Best Dark Fiction
Time Is The Fire In Which We Burn by spuffyduds

The Thrill Me Award - Best Drama
Alla Prima by D M Evans

The Thunder Award - Best Action
Trial Run by incasink

The Wonder Award - Best Unconventional Shipper Fiction
All the Sinners Saints by Amy B

Judge’s Choice Awards

All the Sinners Saints by Amy B

All Prima by D M Evans

Fade to Black by Lyrstzha

All the Sinners Saints by Amy B

Odalisque by Elen

In Shock by ParadiseCity

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