[Breathstealer - part 7, Life's a Beach]

Jul 19, 2006 13:20

There was a vast proxy recently in the UK Forsaken game which saw people going to Spurn Head to do all sorts of crazy things, i'm fairly pleased with the write-up and so, with permission, i pop it here...

Part 7; Life's a Beach

On the hard pebbles and sand the Rite of Healing continues, Lucas putting all of his soul and power into safeguarding the lives of the Uratha who lie before him. Wraith and Isha struggling to keep the icy cold MacGuyver from slipping further into sleep, from a comatose state into the cold of death. Harmony does the same for her packmate Janesca, though her state less critical.

Steve Tate and Sorrow’s Rage silently watch the sea, a low warning growl coming from the Blood Talon’s throat as she sees a low sea mist a half mile or more from the shore, moving slowly and ominously towards the shore. Tate looks around, something seeming wrong along the shore - as he looks and moves slightly away from the others still nothing can he see - the bright light of his torch throwing harsh illumination everywhere, outlining innocent objects into collections of harsh angles and nightmarish tangles.

Seeing the mist, and without pause for regard of his own skin, Rhodes spits a gobbet of bloodied spit into the sea, adjusts his mask and slides into the freezing water. With quick, efficient strokes he heads directly down and towards the sunken village of Ravenser Odd.

As the experienced SBS officer slides from view all becomes once more silent.
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