Mar 09, 2009 18:19
Just when I thought that spring is finally in the city, it has been snowing for the whole damn day!! I mean, COME ON! I am SO tired of having to put tons of clothes on myself every time I go somewhere!!!! >___<
A good thing today was that I got my ticket for Pink's gig in November! Yayness!! And even though I have gone there an hour and a half after the ticket services were open, all of the standing places were already booked out! Are those people insane or what? Don't they ever sleep?! I've got a seat, but that's fine as well, although this means that I would be separated from my friends.
Anyhoes, such stuff is not actually worthy of updating at all, until something else occurred that outraged me a lot. For the 2nd day in a row I am transcribing an interview with Mr. Hietala (it is a long one, so it takes time), which was taken at the end of January, before Tarot's gig in Helsinki. All was fine, until I heard him say such ridiculous things, that I almost lost all my huge respect for him.
What was it, you might wonder? Well, Mr. Hietala was answering a question if they think of any country as target audience for Tarot and he said that they don't do all that bullshit calculations and stuff, blablabla and that it is the same with Nightwish!!!!!!!!!!! Sexcuse me? I mean.. hello! Don't you have the guts to admit that this is business and you get money for it and of course, as in any normal type of business you think how to get more money! Or why then Nightwish and Apo and some other big Finnish names hardly ever play in Finland these days, prefering bigger markets like UK, Germany, Austria, USA, Latin America, etc? Huh?! Of course, I understand that maybe not Mr. Hietala does those calculations himself, his role is different, but he should definitely acknowledge the fact and fucking admit it! Of course he likes making music and it is truly great that he gets money for doing what he likes and of course music is the most important for him, but nobody ever cancelled a typically normal human need for money! Why can't he simply admit it?
This was just so ridiculous, I wish he never said that.
Now that I have let this out, I will go eat something and watch 10 Things I Hate About You.