And you're the reason that murder should be legalized

Dec 01, 2008 19:24

I have always thought that the problem was in Moldavian people. But no. I just hate most of the people, no matter what nationality they are. I am having a severe attack of misanthropy today.

There are so very few people on this planet whom I really like without being related to them. Because it seems to me that everyone else are just dumb, irresponsible and out of their minds. I hate groupworks. I never trust people to do anything, because I always know they will fuck it up. We have a group of 5 people and a serious project to finish this week and rehearse for the final presentation. One has left to England, another one has her b-day today and doesn't care that I will have to stay late waiting till she will do her part, the third one simply doesn't give a fuck, nice eh? And when I am trying to force them to do something, then I am the mean bitch. Well fuck you, I will be the mean bitch, I don't care! Sometimes I feel like I will never be able to work with people.

Furthermore, I live with 2 idiotic bitches who haven't got any brain at all. It all started when one of them has occupied the bathroom for 25 minutes in the morning! 25 fucking minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where should you come from to fucking understand that in the morning people are usually in a hurry??! I could seriously pull her out by the hair from there.

Then there is OSCE summit from hell with their closed doors and me having to walk more in the wind and rain (and oh joy, my umbrella got broken today). GAAAH! I am just glad I don't have to work there this week.

Maybe I am so pissed off, because I hardly got any sleep. When I went to bed, of course I couldn't sleep for a long time after such a weekend. But what was worse is that when the alarm clock rang at 8am, I saw just the same picture outside as it was at 2am and couldn't understand at first why the fuck I should wake up, when it is still night. It didn't look any better at 11. When I come to think about it, it has been quite a while since I saw the sun.

I should really move away to somewhat a normal place (or at least with better transport connections) and without those dumb roommates. Sometimes everything just sucks.


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