Who do I have to sleep with to get a decent orgasm around here?

Jul 14, 2008 13:55

There is probably something I don't understand, so I am asking you, my dear friends. How can a girl, that is supposed to have some kind of interesting, nice, special or maybe different personality (well you got what I meant), can have a blog telling in every post what shit she has bought the other day or how bored she is or that she has nothing to do?! The only answer I see is that there is no special personality, she is just ordinary and someone should just fucking whipe shit from his eyes and his brains (if such a thing exists). I mean okay, we all have random entries sometimes and it's okay, you can't have deep thoughts 24/7, you can go crazy.. but being like that all the time?! Interesting personality?! Hello?! I seriously missed something in life *sigh*
Just yesterday night, while walking with my friend, we were discussing the theory of supply and demand in life (that is unrelated to economics). That when men have a shitload of just ordinary girls, who don't mind spreading their legs if you buy them a coctail and already dress up, basically screaming "I am ready!", but there is nothing further than that, that's what they (men)go for. Seriously, why bother actually doing something for a girl you like, to get her attention, to prove your feelings to her, when you can just get drunk and fuck!! Isn't life simple as that? They know they can get what they want without moving their butts and also in this case they choose.
So when you actually have something in your head, that is not some fluff, mixed with lipstick, condoms, gossips, etc. - all you can do is read books (or maybe go for a career), waiting for that asshole on a goddamn lame horse. When there is a supply of easy clams, the demand will always be quite strong.

stoopid men, cat thoughts

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