God of fire bring your light, forger of sun help me now

Feb 08, 2008 13:13

Is there some kind of a physical law, that whenever you register at some dating site (well not really dating, but sort of), you have ALL the uglybutts after you??!!1 Facebook is totally breaking my belief in Finnish hotness.

The more I go to that fucken uni of mine, the more I understand how horribly shitty and low-quality the education is here. Yesterday I went out totally exasperated, not knowing whether to laugh my ass off or cry. You know, for some of the classes we have that kind of shit, that one teacher reads the lectures and with another one we have seminars. It totally sucks rat's ass, because different teachers have different opinions on different matters. How should one feel, when one teacher tells you something, then comes another one and tells you that what the previous teacher told was bullshit, then tells you some different info. THEN the 3rd teacher comes and tells you that what the previous 2 said was bullshit, then tells you different info that sounds bullshit to you even. O______________O We have this one totally dumb teacher, with whom we have seminars on Economical Law. She can hardly speak Russian, makes lots of mistakes at which we laugh like crazy. But then she told us that we have market economy! MARKET ECONOMY IN MOLDOVA,FFS! xDDDDDDDD Maybe de jure it is like that, but for real.. xD She said that we have all the needed institutions... as if they are working. That we have private property.. So what?! Private property = market economy now? Why not mixed already? We don't even have any fucken Business freedom! We are on the 89th place in the Index of Economic Freedom from 163 countries! (Btw, Anna, NI is on the 3rd place. Told you to check out the facts first).
*sigh* And then she said that our specialists are very bad prepared and asked what it depends on. "On the quality of education", I told her. "No!", - she told me - "on the students only!"..... Of course at some point it depends on the students, but ffs, when one has a will to study and is being told such ridiculous stuff? It would be of more use to spend the money we paid for the contracts on books and read at home, than sit there, getting their fucken diploma, which you can only wipe your ass with.
I hate this fucken country.

moldova-paska, uni

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