Kiss me, it'll heal, but it won't forget.

May 19, 2007 18:21

I am back at last with a new layout and a re-opening post. I said LJ will be closed till I find a reason to live and to breathe again... Can't say I found it, but I also didn't find any reason to stop searching for it. Thanks to some certain people, whom I consider my friends, I'm feeling better now.

The whole story started pretty good.
This winter I applied for Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (that's in Finland, right). After some time and some lost nerves they sent me an e-mail, which said that they invite me for entrance exams and that "in a few days" I will receive an invitation by post (which will be my proof to get a visa). Thanks to the greatest post of all posts, these damned fuckers here of course lost the envelope. I had to e-mail the uni again and all in all I had the envelope in my hands a month later, since the invitation e-mail (and + much more lost nerves). There was very little time left and when we finally called the Finnish embassy in Ukraine, they said it takes 2 weeks to make a visa (when I had to fly already in a week and a few days). So at first they refused to do a shit. Then the attache said she wants to meet me. That's why I had to fuck off to Kiev. We met, she asked me some stoopid questions and in the end said she will make the registration (she doesn`t decide to give the visa or not, she only sends papers to Finland and gets the decision from there). On the day when I already had to fly,the decision finally came. It was a refusal. For good my dad knew some woman that worked there and she told us there is a refusal so at least we didn`t have to go to Kiev again so that they stamped it in my passport :S I guess it is needless to say how I felt... Don't even want to remember. If you wonder why it was a refusal - because of my Moldavian citizenship (haha). Embassies do not explain their reasons usually, but this is the only obvious reason and that's it. Discrimination, but nobody can prove a shit. So there I am, recovering piece by piece, but the wound still hurts.

P.S. coldlikedeath this is that thing I told you about long ago.


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