Is your Dog CKC or AKC?

Apr 25, 2013 20:43

Has any one dealt with a CKC (continental kennel club) ? I've been searching the net and so far I've not seen good reviews of it.

I've been doing some researching and I'd love to know folks opinions on the CKC and any experience they've personally had with breeders who use it.

AKC seems to be the one breeders register with if they intend to show their dogs. Honestly I have no interest in showing any dog I get, but I do want to make sure the dog will be healthy and is not from some one more interested in making a quick buck than ensuring the availability of quality companion pets to the average Joe.

What would you say is the difference between a 'backyard breeder' and some one who is generally interested in promoting a particular breed of dog, and occasionally breeds. Is there a difference? And if a supposed 'backyard breeder' actually does all the things they should when it comes to responsible breeding, but doesn't show, does that still regulate them to the title of 'backyard breeder'?

And before any one gets their hackles up, Yes I'm totally up for adopting a rescue .. the main issue being able to find the type of dog mixed or seemingly to a breed standard, available . I live in an area where we have mostly only certain types of dogs. Labs, pit bulls, and hounds. None of which particularly interest me. Now if I should happen to find a dog that I find acceptable in a near by rescue shelter, I'd totally go for it. So please no griping about mutts, shelters and the over population of pets.

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