Some notes on the Atla World

Sep 22, 2012 01:27


The wind in the ATLA world comes from the west. This causes the huge rainshadow desert in the central Earth Kingdom.

The Fire Nation landscape suffers from frequent wildfires, keeping woody material down and encouraging grasslands as the dominant Fire Nation biome (Hama's island is the only location where we see a woodland).

The ATLA planet is far smaller than ours. Its circumference is only ~1250 miles. It is still highly improbable that a bison could fly from Ember Island to Ba Sing Se and back in a day.

The ATLA planet has a gravity that is 1/3 to 1/2 that of Earth's. This may allow for some of the large flying animals. However, a gravity like this would lose atmosphere too quickly to hold it. So, something on the planet must be creating/leaking air. This may be a Spirit of some sort.

ATLA's lunar cycle is only 4 days long. This can be seen from the Winter Solstice Pt 1 and 2, where a full moon is seen directly after a crescent one. This would explain the high incidence of full moons.

The ATLA planet has only a very slight tilt, and seasons are determined by an elliptical orbit that brings the planet closer and further from its sun. This explains why the same season is present in both hemispheres. 'Midnight Sun Madness' may be a sarcastic remark, rather than a statement indicating daylong sunlight.

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