Supernatural Episode Review - 5x11 Sam, Interrupted (Kinda review - lol)

Jan 21, 2010 23:24

ZOMG!  So - ok - I suck, because it literally took me until last weekend to actually watch the last two episodes of Supernatural that I had missed and kept putting off.  I have NO IDEA why, but it just went down that way.  I actually enjoyed the last two way more than I thought I would.  The fake-ghosthunter/Con thing was amusing - which I know a lot of people were pissed off about, but strangely, I was not one of them.  Perhaps distance makes you less critical.  I actually found it quite amusing and I love that our show can make fun of itself.  The Becky chick is so amusing too and I don't know anyone who wouldn't like chuck.

The second ep.  Wow.  That's about all I can say.  I mean, I'm not at all sad to see Jo go.  Like, AT ALL, yo.  But Ellen too?  All in one ep?  Jesus H. Christ on a Christmas Cracker.  And Mark - dear GOD (no pun intended), I know the devil's supposed to be all seductive and shit, but YEAH, I'd so sell my soul for that dude.  He makes Lucifer charming, enjoyable, fucking scary, hot and menacing all in one.  And the fucker makes sense sometimes too - which are those moments where I usually sit back and think, SHIT, I'm NOT supposed to be agreeing with him.  And then I get into mental debates with myself like...well...or should I?  Is he the right way?  Are the angel-army all bad?  How the FUCK is this supposed to work out.  And QUESTION - WHY can't Michael just inhabit Dean for like a lil bit and kill Mark?  Why does it have to be Sam?  Like...has that ever been asked or answered?  Did I miss it?  WHY does it have to be BOTH the boys?  Why can't Michael pop in and out of Dean for a jaunt and just get rid of Mark and then pop back out, Bob's your uncle, voila?!

So this ep - I really wanted to get out of my no reviewing thing, but I just don't have the time or energy at the moment.  Perhaps over the weekend, but I'm not holding my breath.

At any rate - this episode, while I wasn't sure how it related to the actual story arc; ROCKED.  If nothing else, it was just...hilarious and there was self-awareness and inner-demon finding and shit.  It was awesome.  And I loved Marvin - I've loved that dude since he was in Real Genius with Val Kilmer - I'm too tired to look up his name.  LOL  The hilariousness again, of our show making fun of itself - with the boys telling the doctor the truth at the beginning was just EPIC.  I love them.  And that scene was seamless.

I didn't much care about the monster really - I think that was less the point and more the catalyst for Sam to realize he's really an angry person, has been his whole life and Dean to once again, get his fears put in front of him.  I don't understand what this GED thing really has to do with anything - like...what does it matter?  It's become this big THING this season and I don't really know the fuck why.  It doesn't change who Dean is, or make him less smart or anything.  Why do we need to keep bringing it up?  I...don't get it.

Best scene ever: Pulling his pants down and "PUDDING!"  "Crazy works!"  Jensen's facial expressions were just......I WAS DYING with laughter.  It was so fucking awesome.  I rewound it like eighteen times.  And Sam cutting the dude's head open was just...NO.  The CUE TIP?  NO.  NONONOnonononononononononononooooooooooooooooo.

I don't know how I feel about the announcement of another season.  I love the show, I love the boys, I'm glad they want to stick around one more year and tough it out for us despite the schedules and shit.  I am concerned about storyline - because we have a tendancy to like, not resolve shit.  And I don't know that this storyline can really go on for a whole nother season.  We don't have enough people left to kill, honestly.  I mean, do you realize, that in the course of this show, everyone but Bobby (who we crippled) and Castiel are the only ones that HAVEN'T died?  EVERYONE ELSE HAS DIED.  We kill people on this show right and left and upwards and downwards and backwards - in mass quantities.  So unless they introduce new people (which doesn't always work), we're sort of out of options.  And I don't think a whole season can go on either with Sam as Lucifer and Dean as Michael or whatever, unless their ultimate plan is for the show to really end up with Disco!White!Suit!Sam smooshing Dean at the end.  I just...I dunno.  I have mixed feelings.  Because stand-alone eps are good too, but again, if there's no arc, there's no plot to push forward either.  So I'm conflicted.  And if that bastard fucking kills Bobby or HHH I'm gonna bust a cap in his ass, s'all I'm sayin'.  There are some people you just DON'T kill and I already had to put up with Papa and Andy and shit like that and I wasn't pleased.  THERE WILL BE NO SUBSTITUE DADDY KILLING OR HIS HOLY HOTNESS OF THE HOST OF ANGELS EITHER.  K?  GOT IT ASSMUNCH?


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