EDIT: There seems to be this misconception that I somehow do not still love this show - or rather two people have asked me about it. I want to make it clear that I still love Supernatural and I still bother with typing these up BECAUSE I do. You can not like what's happening on a show and still love the core. Just because I'm not blasting rainbows out of my ass in squee every week does not make me any less invested. I've come this far and I don't intend to stop. And I really doubt I'd take the time to watch the episodes I'm not enjoying several times over in order to post these reviews. I think anyone can see where they're going with the show, and while I will certainly enjoy what will most likely be evil Sam, I think they could be more inventive. And at the moment, I find the 'plot' disjointed and disorderly - only an end in sight. Just because the last 3 or 4 episodes have not satisfied the bar I've set for the show does not mean the show completely sucks. And as to why I keep going back to Castiel? Besides that, yes, I do enjoy his character (despite the fact he was squinting oddly in this ep), I was under the impression, as he was set up that way, that he was going to be a major plotline and I see that just...not happening. I thought the angels were an important thing this season and it seems lately we just keep dropping these arcs by the wayside and then quickly stuffing them back in. So take that as you may. When I consider an episode awesome, I state that. When I think it's not, I say that too.
*Sigh* I kinda miss plot on this show. I’m not saying this one had NO plot or anything, it’s just not…interesting me at the moment.
We have a Then that includes Pamela and the stupid ass angel-who-had-no-chemistry-with-Jensen and the huge pink elephant in the room which we keep choosing to ignore like everyfuckingthing else on this show.
We open on some random dudes, one who gets shot and doesn’t die - in fact there’s a hole, but no blood. The boys are in some dinner and Dean actually acknowledges the fact that OH YEAH things aren’t really ‘ok’ between the two of them - because HELLO PINK FUCKING PINK ELEPHANT. I dunno really - I’m not paying very close attention but apparently there’s been a rash of these non-deaths in some town in Wyoming and the boys depart. They meet the shot dude who’s got a bullet in his heart and is still living and they talk and shit.
The boys decide that they have to go summon the last kid that died in town so they can find out if their theory of Death being on vacation is correct or not. They go to the graveyard and put out some shit, talk about that natural order and how they are or are not like “other people.” (Dean’s “I don’t have a good answer” - that was amusing). Then Alistair shows up and flings Dean into a tombstone but can’t do that to Sammy because he’s scarily powerful now and just…yeah, he scares me - and I shudder to where this is going now - he sucks out the jerk and then Dean has a concussion and really? I’m just throwing out this shit so I can move on. I really could care less. Sam lies some more and some more and some more right to Dean’s face and he calls him on it and he lies SOME MORE and as usual we solve nothing. Bobby calls and says the reaper’s been kidnapped because of some other lesser-known version of Revelations. Demons are gonna steal death and kill it under a solstice moon and break a seal. Dean decides they need to become ghosts to find the invisible reapers and talk to Cole and we get Pamela and yeah - we do that then. Pamela tells Sam he has a great ass. That was important. No, really - it's a really important point - because Jared's ass? It is awesome. I look at it frequently and think so. His lil smile and chuckle was adorable as well.
Thus begins: Sam and Dean’s Bogus Journey.
Even with the semi-washed out blue-hued worldliness! I’m waiting for the part where they meet Satan and revisit ghosts of the past…or scary grandmothers…or clowns…”I totally loogied on that good dead me!” “They Melvin’d me!” (WHICH SO SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THIS EPISODE - it would have been an AWESOME joke). “Hey Bill…that other you’s a real DICK.” “I KNOW! I have to learn to be more considerate of myself when I become him!” “STATION!” *ahem* I’ll stop now. But seriously - they missed out on some really awesome jokes. Dean sticks his arm through Sam and asks if he’s making him uncomfortable. I fall over laughing when Sam utters “Get out of me.” Dean calls him a prude and they move on. *snerk*
They find the kid and talk to him. Kid knows he’s dead and they discuss how he died - of an asthma attack in the cold air. He didn’t get rid of the reaper - black smoke did - he hid and when he came out - it was gone. He says he knows where the black smoke is. Shit starts flickering and the kid whooshes out as some fast wind-thing goes flying up the stairs. UGH…some other chick comes down the stairs after like…winding herself up there or some shit.
*Sigh* Joaquin? Please don’t end up like your brother. That was tragic enough. *shakes head sadly* I think he needs to like…move to Colorado or something.
The Last House on the Left - I kinda wanna see this movie…I don’t know why.
So stair chick is really the reaper from In My Time of Dying, Tessa. She just wants to do her job and won’t leave but will hold off for Dean cause he’s a cutie. Sam goes off to find the kid, who’s in the closet. They have a chat. Sam makes some…weird promise to the kid - and SWEARS IT that Cole won’t have to go anywhere ever no matter what reaper comes to get him…and now I’m afraid. Because he…might actually be able to do shit like that and that’s just…SCARY.
Tessa and Dean commiserate over their relationship-past. Dean admits that for the whole year after he wasn’t reaped, he felt he was missing something. He was missing her…the pain of losing John & Sam, he wished he’d gone with her for good. Dean says it’s different now - with the angels we NEVER FUCKING SEE. He starts whining about the horrible things he’s done and his second chance and he feels inadequate and small and…uhm, no he says he doesn’t know how it makes him feel. Sam and Cole come down and interrupt - he saw the black smoke at the funeral home - it was everywhere. Shit starts flickering and black smoke enters, nabbing Tessa and taking off again.
Cole gives the boys some telekinesis pointers - or rather Dean in particular since I think Sam’s got that particular skill under control. Dean moves something like minutely and looks constipated while doing it. Cole makes fun of him and proves his own powers by moving like everything on the freaking porch. The boys marvel at his awesome mindfu. “Dude you are so Amityville!” He teaches the boys all about ghost-fighting and punching and it’s rather amusing. They boys are about the cutest thing eVaR and get their asses handed to them by a 12-year-old ghost-boy. I like this kid. And I KNOW him from somewhere...SHOCKING right? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! He was Elliot McQuoddy on Pushing Daisies this year! The lighthouse keeper's son! HA! I liked him then too - he's kind of got this...creepy thing going but he's endearing. He could be very scary I think.
There’s invisible blue demon…symbols or something like all over the funeral home - it’s also pretty cool. I want some on my wall that glow blue like that! ...Only not the demon kind. I'd have...other ones. The boys go inside to check it out. They find the two reapers on the floor being held in some Devil’s Trap kind of thing and the boys kick the ass of the dude watching them - trying out their cool new ghost movies. Alistair is there and I dunno, I guess he knew they were gonna come - he’s got some dude ready with iron chains so they can’t cross. I don’t…I really don’t get why the hell we give a shit about Alistair - I mean…other than telling us that Dean was a torturer in hell - I don’t feel as though he has a real role - it’s not like he’s the uber-evil or Mr. Superbad. He's not the new Fred and if he thinks so? He should stop. He just talks funny and he’s rather annoying. He’s like…he sounds like Dom Deluise in Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I’m so serious. It’s just…stupid. HEY - here’s an idea! Maybe we should bring back His Holy Hotness and give us back a plot! We already KNOW about the seal breaking and shit - WHERE ARE THE ANGELS? Why are they not fighting the breaking of this seal?! WHY IS MISHA NOT HERE?!?!?!?!??! Seriously - isn't that like...their JOB!?
Stupid Ass comes over to taunt the boys and blast them with rock salt I’m guessing - yup. He shoots Dean and he flickers away like a regular ghost would. UGH. JENSEN. IT’S ALISTER - STER DEAN STER. UGH! PRONOUNCE IT CORRECTLY! Apparently it takes 2 reapers to break the seal. Stupid ass has sent other demons to kill the boys' real bodies and of course, I’m not sure that Miss Blind Eyes can really help them much. The Four Horsemen are apparently riding high - ready for the apocalypse. Stupid Ass ices one of the reapers after spouting some Latin. Lightning, thunder, ominous-ness pervades. The boys use their collective mojo to try to move the chandelier to break the crap etched on the floor while Pamela searches blindly (HA!) for the demon sent to kill her and the boys.
Tessa and Dean teleport or whatever after they break the symbols, while Sam gets back in his body and...how did he do that? Did I miss her whispering in his ear? Did he do that himself? At any rate, he sucks out the dude that just knifed Pamela. But she can’t die…yet I guess. Dean’s strolling along looking for Sam and meets Stupid Ass again. He’s just…I want him to go away. HEY THANKS! Some lightning. FUCKING FINALLY! MISHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOK NOW I DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE!!!! HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HONEY!!!!!! I’VE MISSED YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH YOU FUCKABLE ANGEL-TAX-ACCOUNTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look! Plot might be back! Hello, plot, I missed you.
HHH tells that Alistair has been captured and that Sam & Dean saved the breaking of a seal. He was there like the whole time and they couldn’t get into the funeral home because of all that fun cool blue writing on it -it’s like a non-angel ward or some shit. However, he says it wasn’t Bobby who called about the seal - it was HHH. Dean asks why he didn’t ask them to do it. HHH says they do the opposite then. HHH says the people will die now. Exceptions can’t be made because ‘to everything there is a season.’ He tells Dean he’s different and that’s why there was the exception with him. WELL DUH. (But do we ever know WHY Dean was the exception? Have they ever said? I don't think so. Perhaps it's because they have a feeling that Sam's gonna be evil and Dean's the only one who can stop him or something).
Tessa asks for Dean’s help with Cole. Cole doesn’t want to go and tells Dean to say thanks for nothing to Sam. Tessa explains his mom can’t let go because he’s still here and won’t let go of her. Dean says staying here is worse - because one day his family will be gone and there will be nothing left for him. He says everyone’s scared. Cole goes. Dean asks Tessa to look after him. She tells him to look after himself - because lies are all around - because everyone is scared. That's why they say things about dead people going to better places. She says the angels have something good in store for him - a second chance - deep down he knows something bad is coming. Ah fuck. She tells him to trust his instincts and there’s no such thing as miracles. Well fuck me. COME ON!
Pamela brings Dean back and then she dies - Dean lies (like Tessa said people do - I find it ironic that Dean literally does this like 2 minutes later) and tells her she’s going to a better place. She doesn't buy it though because she's been in the...spirit world...or...something. LOL Pamela tells Sam that his good intentions…aren’t. And Sam doesn’t tell Dean. The fade to black there doesn’t mean anything in terms of him telling him because, of course, he NEVER DOES.
Awwwww Kim. You're missed.
Next week: 7 angels have been murdered and Dean tortures Alistair and Sam’s evil.