Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 20, 2014 22:44

AO3 name: Nary

Benjamin January Mysteries - Barbara Hambly (Hannibal Sefton)
Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells (Ember, Pearl)
Flavia de Luce Series - Alan Bradley (Haviland 'Jacko' de Luce)

Dear author, thank you for writing something for me! I'm really looking forward to squeeing over your story, whatever it turns out to be :)

General stuff: I love stories where things happen, where characters come out of the story changed in some way, even if it's a subtle change. I especially love the interactions between characters, dialogue, snark, personality clashes, confessions, romance. I love stories that don't provide oversimplified resolutions to complex situations, where things aren't necessarily all neatly wrapped up at the end - it's okay if everything's not happily ever after, as long as there's some hope for the future. I like fic that challenges traditional gender roles and expectations. Please feel free to include other characters from canon in supporting roles, whatever works for your story. If there are other characters I think would be particularly interesting/cool to include, I've mentioned them in the request, but of course you don't have to feel bound by those ideas!

I don't really care for AUs of the high school/pirates/outer space variety, but don't mind the "what if this canon event happened differently" type of AUs. I love humour, as highbrow or lowbrow as you like, depending on what suits the story. While I feel that porn can easily be the meat (heh) of a story, I like it best when it is wrapped in at least a delicate layer of plot, and when I can believe that it's these particular characters having sex, that they stay in-character throughout. But I really and truly am open to fic of any rating! If you are more of a fade-to-black sort of author, that's fine; if you want to show me non-shippy character interaction - friendship, rivalry, adventure - that's great too. However, if you do feel inspired to go the more porny route, I love m/m, f/f, m/f, threesomes, foursomes, moresomes, poly relationships, bisexuality, kink - and I'm very hard to squick, so don't worry about that. If you want to read more about my porny likes/dislikes/ideas, please see my Yuleporn comment here. Please no non-canon deaths or completely depressing endings, otherwise let your imagination run wild!

Benjamin January Mysteries - Barbara Hambly: Hannibal Sefton

I love Hannibal so much, and I'd like to see a story focused on him. I'm very open as to what that involves! It could be something from his younger days, from his marriage to Philippa, to his wild days in Paris with Patrick, or something set during the time of the series, such as his whirlwind romance with Consuela or his marriage to Morning Star. I'd also be happy with a story that shows Hannibal's day-to-day life, how he views Benjamin and Rose (I'm also open to having them in a poly relationship together), his perspective on events in one of the novels, or just about anything else Hannibal-centric you can come up with! I love his poetry-quoting, his love of music, his fragile damsel-in-distress qualities, and how unfailingly kind and genteel he is to people who don't get much kindness in their lives, like Kentucky Williams and Kate the Gouger. Basically just give me Hannibal being Hannibal and I'll be delighted!

Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells: Ember, Pearl

Ember is so cute, and I'd really enjoy a story that shows more of his and Pearl's relationship, given the huge difference in their age and maturity levels and power. What does she like about him, and what does he like about her? What do they talk about when they're alone together? What is their sex life like? How is Ember settling into his role as consort to a powerful queen, and into the Indigo Cloud court as a whole? I really enjoy the setting in general, too, so if you want to take the opportunity to include other characters, show me some other interesting aspects of the world at large, or Raksura society in particular, that's great! Moon/Jade/Chime are my OT3, so if you want to include them in the background, that would be lovely.

Flavia de Luce series - Alan Bradley: Haviland 'Jacko' de Luce

I'm interested in knowing more about Haviland de Luce. He's so quiet and restrained, but beneath that stiff upper lip you can tell there are so many emotions and thoughts going on! I'd especially like something about him when he was younger - whether closer to Flavia's age and exploring Buckshaw with his cousin Harriet, with all its oddities and secrets, or somewhat older and falling in love with Harriet, or an exciting or angsty/melancholy story about him and Dogger during or after the war, or his reactions on becoming a father and dealing with his daughters and their foibles. I am definitely open to shipping him with Dogger, but please don't ignore Harriet's existence and his feelings for her as well (even if it's set after she's dead, I can't imagine him just forgetting about her!)

Whatever you write, I'm sure I'll enjoy it! Thank you for the work you're about to do, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)


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