[Requiem - OOC] Potential PC - give me ties!

May 30, 2009 01:17

Excerpt from the book, Life, Love and Rebirth - A Biography of a Teenage Superstar

My name, is Vanessa Channing. I have been called many things in my life...I have been a Saint, a Sinner, a Nun and the wife of Lucifer. I have sung with the choirs of angels and danced with the ancient gods and goddesses of old in Stonehenge. I am prepared for everything, and for nothing. I have the face given to me by everyone else, and the lips made for perfection and promised words. I am Shakespeare, but I am better.

"A man wears many masks, and plays many parts upon the stage of life. I am no different. I too wear a mask, and I too play many parts."

Each movement is carefully measured and prepared. I know each step as the intricate dance that I walk. I am the past, the present and the future wrapped as one. This existence is a script in which I must memorize my lines by heart. I will not falter, lest my lines falter. I will not hesitate, lest my role become insignificant.

The Biography that you read is correct. I wear several - above all however, I am an artiste. Very few others can do what I do, and with such grace and flair as I do. Very few others can demand attention and hold it completed captivated. In the end, I am a performer however. It matters very little what *I* think. What matters is what YOU think. The roles we play are not always favorable, but they are necessary evils.

Contrary to what others believe, I am neither an air-headed neonate, nor an exceptionally well-versed elder. I am young, and I am exceptionally well-versed. I can debate antiquated topics and not break a sweat. One learns quite early on that they do not approach a role without first understanding what it means.

Now, I approach my greatest role, MY Emmy performance...

Vanessa Channing, Visionary and Modern Day Debutante of the First Estate.

Now give me my damn statue.


Jan 19th - 1939- Born, Orlando, FL

April 15th, 1945 - First appeared in a walk-on role in a local production of Alice in Wonderland.

June 1947 - Parents move from Florida to Georgia when Vanessa is selected for a role as the face of a new cereal box.

Sept 10th, 1947 - Parents move again, this time to Cincinnati, Ohio.

April 1949 - Wins "Little Miss Ohio" beauty pageant - sweeping categories of talent, dress and presentation. Rumored to have placed dead last in the "little miss congeniality" category however.

August 1951 - Enrolls in Cincinnati School for the Arts in the vocal program.

June 1954 - Appears on a local Star Search and wins second prize in the singing competition. First prize goes to what Vanessa is quoted as later calling a "stupid ugly whore". She is likened to a young Elizabeth Taylor.

August 1954 - Vanessa appeared on local TV show with her agent and makes a huge public apology to the girl who beat her and graciously offers to take her to Disneyworld as an attempt at a public reconciliation. Girl doesn't bother to answer or return calls.

Feb 1956 - Vanessa auditions for the Mickey Mouse Club back in Florida.  She is rejected, but manages to land a position in a production of Wicked instead.  .

July 1958 - Vanessa competes in the local "Miss Pre-Teen Ohio" competition and places first, advancing to Nationals where she places second runner-up./ A much more gracious loser this time, she accepts the scholarship to Juliard and the $5000.00.  Vanessa and three friends from Juliard form "Phoenix Rising", a pop band with herself as the lead singer. The four of them have the ultimate goal of becoming "Teen Dream Queens".

Jan 1959 - Phoenix Rising opens for several notable singers.  Now young, hot and fashionable, the four girls are the “scene.”  Young Vanessa Channing ends up in rehab following a drunk driving/drug bust involving Florida and Georgia.  Vanessa returns back to the Pageant scene and enters "Ohio's Junior Miss Scholarship Competition". As part of her community service, she becomes a spokeswoman for the War against disease as well as a role-model for underprivileged youth.

February 1959 - Vanessa Smith is named Ohio’s “Junior Miss” winner and wins a scholarship to the college of her choice, as well as a shot at the National Competition.

May 1959 - Vanessa places First Runner Up at Nationals, earns a modeling contract, another scholarship, and $2000.  She is also offered a music contract, which she delays as she finishes her college entrance exams, scoring high enough to be offered admission to Princeton University.  She instead chooses to take a position as a junior spokeswoman to spread a modern message about anti-war and anti-drugs.  She accepts a position as  a Public Relations specialist for several charities, serving as facewoman, spokeswoman and speechwriter.  She also served as head organizer for several local charities and fundraisers.

December 1959 - Vanessa and some of her friends are enjoying winter vacation in the south when she is embraced following a night of drunken debauchery.  Devastated by this sudden change, Vanessa works to try to learn of her new existence.  She spends several months refusing to leave a hotel room, to the point where she is believed to be dead.  A scholarship is created in the Miss Ohio pageant in her honor.

1961 - After careful consultation with her Sire and other of her Broodmates, she chooses to petition to join the First Estate - especially after learning that she would be expected to read a lot of books while in the Movement.  Vanessa is taught the basics of Kindred knowledge and survival skills, and retains a close relationship with members of the Carthian Movement, something that many of the Invictus consider a social boon for her.  Though she is Invictus, many of the Carthians accept her as one of theirs.

1970 - Vanessa leaves her Sire, choosing instead to focus on perfecting her blood and her social graces to become an asset to the First Estate.  She is approached by a member of the Gangrel clan who challenges her to a debate upon the role of the Invictus in the modern day world.  Well-versed in Invictus customs, Vanessa is able to easily school the elder Gangrel, who graciously takes her as his student, teaching her additional customs and proper protocols.  She learns Animalism from him as a reward for her excellent debate tactics.  The two become close allies and even lovers.

1980 - Vanessa finds her niche in the Invictus as a powerful up-and-comer who works as middle management for high powered Invictus.  Jokingly called the “Invictus of Pink,” Vanessa spends a great deal of time planning parties and mixers for the First Estate.  Notably, she tends to organize large gatherings, including seating arrangements, floral arrangements, and etiquette classes.  Though young, she is recognized as an Au Pair of note. (Gain Invictus x2)

1987 - Vanessa becomes a local ambassador to the Carthian Movement.  Because she is so young and socially adept, she spends a great deal of time being a face person for the Movement - converting several individuals to the Unconquered.  The Movement accept her as one of their own, acknowledging that she is staunchly Invictus. (Gain false Carthian 1?)

1995 - Vanessa is employed by several Invictus of note to host large galas and parties.  She spends a great deal of time perfecting techniques to show that the Invictus are the First Estate for a reason, to the point of spending time teaching younger and newer Invictus the proper protocols and procedures.  She gains fame in her role of Au Pair, and even managed to gain the attention of several alders, who take notice of her as an “up and comer.”  Though young, she is afforded * Value* within the First Estate.   (Invictus x3)

Note:  Vanessa Channing appears on the outside to be an airhead and a flake.  She rarely, if ever talks about the fact that she has a law degree, or that she can probably outdebate and out-argue anyone else.  She is outspoken, very to the point, and blunt.  She will happily inform you that your clothing does not match, and your shoes are “so last year”.  There are times however, when the tables will turn, and she will be an absolute fountain of knowledge and wisdom.  She prefers to be underestimated tough, which is a huge reason she the First Estate…you rarely, if ever suspect the flamboyant and outspoken individual to be actually smarter than you.  If the price for getting the upper hand is that a few people think you are missing a few French Fries from your Happy Meal ™…then that is a price well paid.  What matters in the end, is that your goals are accomplished, and you are the one who comes out on top.


Carthian Movement:  "Men are joined by conviction, sundered by opinion." Goethe

Invictus:  You take a mortal man and put him in control. Watch him become a god. Watch peoples heads a'roll - Megadeth, Symphony Of Destruction

Ordo Dracul:  "There is no more great men; there is only great committees." Marshal McLuhan

Circle of Crone: Almost two thousand years, and no new god! - Friedrich Nietzsche
Lancea Sanctum:  Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. - Napoleon

Unaligned - "Trash, all of them"

character concept, ties

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