[Mortals - Morgan] "Company Downsizing"

Dec 11, 2008 13:06

Morgan looked at the mountains of paperwork that stood before her and sighed heavily. Her department was downsizing due to economic cutbacks and she was at the top of the list for a transfer. She looked over the possible places she could be transfered to...

Washington DC
Cincinnati, OH
Seattle, WA
San Francisco, CA

Of the list, she far preferred to be on this side of the world. She would miss New Jersey, but part of her needed a change. In the past year, her world had changed significantly. She was far more aware of the world now...the existence of Vampires, and Werewolves and ghosts. Whatever testing she had underwent in the strange facility had changed her completely. She had become more aware now, more congnisant of the world she existed in.

Her training that she had taken part in prior to working for the government sector had become more important, as she had used that to connect her to the realization she had been given. Her studies and her works had become more perfect.

Moving would be good however...she was tired of cleaning up the vampire's messes. Perhaps she could go somewhere where vampires didn't exist...that might be useful to her...She was a brilliant scientist, a reknown epidemiologist, and one of the best city disaster planners that FEMA could hire...yet, there were less and less disasters that needed their attention since FEMA had managed to massively bungle the New Orleans effort. She was glad for once that she had been assigned to paperwork those months after cleaning up a gang violence attack in Northside Atlantic City.

Glancing down at the messages incoming, she clicked on the awaiting email that was an interview request and typed back a quick response. She had an interview on Saturday evening in Cincinnati at the new location. Perhaps that could be a worthwhile new beginning...

mortal, morgan

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