Fic: Roy/Dick Snippet

May 29, 2012 17:38

Fic: Roy/Dick Snippet

This just kind of struck me.

I’m working on a Roy/Dick prompt for the YJ anon meme and this doesn’t fit in it, but wants to exist anyway. Maybe I’ll turn it into something later.

Title: Untitled Snippet

Fandom: Young Justice (cartoon)

Pairing: Roy/Dick

Characters: Roy Harper, Dick Grayson

Rating; G/PG (for implications?)

Words: 128

Summary: Roy walks through the door of his bedroom and freezes at the sight that greets him.


Roy walks through the door of his bedroom and freezes at the sight that greets him. He looks down at the bottle of beer he was preparing to take his first swig from, and then over at to the spectacle waiting for him. Back at the beer. Back into his room.

He contemplates going back into the kitchen for another. Or possibly to dump this one out.

He’s really nor sure if he wants to be sober or not for this conversation.

Deciding that one; he wasn’t likely to get drunk on a single bottle and two; he could always go get more later if he needed it, he takes a swallow to wet his inexplicably dry throat and askes;

“Robin? Why are you naked in my bedroom?”

character: dick grayson, fandom: dc, genre: slash, rating: pg, fandom: young justice, character: roy harper, my fic

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