Cody's back, that's who's back! My old account was
codyisking . I took a nice big mental vacation. Life's been going normally. Melissa still tries to poison me, dad's a jerk who doesn't pay child support, mom's never home, me and Ryan are still in love, me and Roberta are still best friends, I got my first CAR.. A ELANTRA! See, look how sexy it is!
Now at least I can drive where I want instead of walking all the frickin time. Look at that hot negro. Damn. Doing okay in school, I guess. 96.374 average... kind of dissapointed, because I know I can do better than that. Oh well, A+ and above is good, I guess. I start my new job at CVS soon. I am excited! I hope that some of you guys still remeber me in the communities ::crosses fingers:: Well, hope all is well with everyone, g'night.